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Walk Through Handout (4.24.22)

An Invitation to Transformation

In 2010, a small group of people gathered to discern where and how God might be leading them to band together to plant a new church in West Cobb. The heartbeat of these people was transformation. In the following months, the church’s mission and vision were clarified. We summed it up this way:

“We exist to glorify God by building an authentic body of Christ followers who are faithfully proclaiming the Gospel and are being transformed by its power to live and love like Jesus.”

While our church has grown from those early days, our purpose has remained constant. Check out the video below to hear how we got to where we are today.

Our heartbeat has always been for transformation.

Planting Seeds

Transformation is happening in our midst. God is at work in our Faith Family. We are seeing the beauty of Isaiah 61 happening in the here and now. And, God is inviting us to partner with Him in His plan in the ministry of transformation to a lost and dying world.

As stewards of our Faith Family we’ve recognized that one primary way we need to grow is through our facility. While our Faith Family has grown, our house has not. Changes are needed to accommodate our growing Family, and make room for people in our neighborhood to participate at our Family Gatherings.

In order to engage and embrace this growth, we are inviting each person in our Faith Family to prayerfully consider financially supporting this next step. Scripture gives us direction on how to do it. In the Old Testament, every time there was an expansion of the temple, the people of God were invited to participate through giving of their resources. There was never a mandate to give, but always an invitation to “everyone whose heart prompts them to give” (Exodus 25, 35, 36). The offerings for expansion were always given “over and above” their tithes (1 Chronicles 29:1–3).

We have full confidence in God to provide all our needs according to His riches in glory. Just as God invited His people in the Old Testament to give financially to the building of their gathering spaces, we believe He is inviting us today. We trust you will engage this “invitation to transformation” and follow God as He leads.

Check out the following video to see a few examples of how seeds are being planted throughout our faith family.