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How Are We Expanding?

Because of the hope that we have in our great God, and because of the harvest that we believe He is preparing, we believe it is time to make an investment into our facilities. The reality is that our house is too small for our growing church. Our elders, the overseers of our Faith Family, have discerned that one of our next steps is to create additional physical space to better house our growing family. Our shepherds have determined three primary areas for expansion:


Additional Parking:

175 parking spaces have been added. The two separate parking lots are now connected by a driveway and an expanded grass area has been created to provide space for our Faith Family to gather and play.


Kids’ and Youth Spaces:

We are currently under construction to expand the back of our building to allow for our preschool ministry to move to one central location that is secure and meets the needs of the ministry. A second floor is being added over the current chapel for our students to gather for worship and small groups. This space will also serve as a location for midsize gatherings for all ministries of the church.


Auditorium  and Community Gathering Spaces:

We have plans for an addition to the front of our building that will address several needs of our Faith Family, but we will not begin this phase of our expansion until construction in the back is complete.  Once the back is finished, our leaders will discern if the plans for the front are still best for Sanctuary.  The front expansion has been designed to create a welcoming and inviting entrance to Sanctuary that provides a place for our Faith Family to connect with each other. In addition, the auditorium will be expanded by 150 seats and updates will be done to keep the intimate feel of worshiping in the round.