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1 Corinthians 1.13-17 Power of the Cross

By September 8, 2019September 9th, 20191 Corinthians

1. Have you ever felt yourself wrestling with focusing on what is most important? How so?

2. Why are the three questions asked in 1 Corinthians 1:17 so important for a church facing division?

3. What is the difference between unity and uniformity in the church?

4. Have there ever been seasons in your life where you found yourself more dependent on a person than on Jesus? How did you come to realize this unhealthy dependence?

5. How has God used people in your life to point you back to the power of the cross?

6. John Piper says, “For the Christian, the cross of Christ is not merely a past place of substitution. It is also a present place of daily execution.” How does this resonate with you today?

7. In Luke 9:23 Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.” What did Jesus mean by this? How does the invitation to daily die give you hope to live?

8. How is God inviting you to keep the power of the cross at the center of your life this week?

9. Take some time to reflect on the power of the cross and thank God for what he has done, and continues to do in your life.

10. Listen to the song, The Wonderful Cross.