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1 Corinthians 10.14-22 & 11.17-34

By September 13, 20201 Corinthians

Read 1 Corinthians 10.14-22. What is the problem in the Corinthian church? How is Paul inviting the Corinthians to grow? 

What stories in the Old Testament can you recall that highlight the importance of sharing a meal? What about the New Testament? 

Think about the word “idolatry.” What “idols” have you had to flee from in your life? What or whom might still hold too high a place of prominence in your life? 

The Corinthians were practicing a form of idol worship when eating in pagan temples. What’s the correlation to this act in your world today? 

Reflect on one or two stories of Jesus sharing a meal with friends, or family. It seems that Jesus eats with all kinds of people. Who shares a meal at your table? What have you learned about yourself by sharing a meal with others? 

Read 1 Corinthians 10.21. What does it mean to “drink the cup of demons?” 

Read 1 Corinthians 11.17-34. What is the primary implication of this text?

How important is the Lord’s Supper to the church at Corinth? What kind of value do you think they placed on the Lord’s Supper? How important is the Lord’s Supper to you? How much do you value it? What is the most meaningful aspect of the Lord’s Supper? 

What problem is Paul trying to correct? 

Read and reflect on the comments of J.D. Walt. “Don’t for a minute think you are remembering the Lord when you have practically forgotten the poor. It’s not the ritual that creates the righteousness, but the righteousness that verifies the ritual.” How do you participate in this practice without it becoming ritualistic? What is the importance of the communal aspect of communion? 

What is the New Covenant Jesus mentions? 

Read John 13.34-35. How does Jesus express His love for His friends? How has a friend expressed holy love toward you in the last two weeks? How does His example inspire you to put love into action? 

Read Revelation 19.6-9. How does this eternal picture give you strength and courage to commune with the Lord and with others today? 

Spend a few moments in taking communion today.