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1 Corinthians 11:2-16

By September 27, 20201 Corinthians

Read John 3.16-17. How does this passage speak to you today? What in the text encourages you? What inspires you? 

How important is the local church in the day and time of Paul? How did the local church in Corinth impact the world around it? How important is the local church in our day? How important is our church to you? 

Describe how the local church in Corinth was distinct from any other place in all of Rome? 

Read Galatians 3.26. In your own words, define being “one in Christ.” How is this truth being lived out in your life today? Where is one area of growth for you as it relates to this truth? 

Read Revelation 7.9-10. How does this picture of heaven impact your life on earth? How does this picture of heaven impact your life in the local church? 

Read and reflect on the quote by Dallas Willard: “The aim of God in history is the creation of an all-inclusive community of loving persons, with Himself included in that community as its prime sustainer and most glorious inhabitant.”

Read 1 Corinthians 11.2-16. What spaces to you most personally in the text? 

What’s the purpose for Paul writing this portion of the text? How does this impact us at Sanctuary? Why is order in the gathering important to Paul?

Read verse 3 and then answer the following questions: What are ‘these important traditions’ that Paul notes? What are they not? How do we often confuse our religious traditions from what Paul is describing here? 

Read verses 4-5. What does the Bible mean when it describes, “prophesying?” What’s the cultural implication of these verses? What is important for us to hold onto today? 

How do you view the role of women in the local church? What do you believe is biblical about what a woman can or can’t do in the local church? 

Read verse 6 and then verse 13-16. What is the cultural context of this verse? What does this mean for us today?

Read verses 7-12. After reading this text, how important is “authority?” 

Read Ephesians 5.21. In your own words, define “mutual submission.” 

Read Galatians 5.6. How does Paul truth call you to act in mutual submission? What does love look like in submission? 

Spend some time praying for God’s wisdom to continue to be given to you and to our church leaders. Pray for unity and mutual submission for our church.