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1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 14:1-25

By October 4, 20201 Corinthians

Read 1 Peter 2.4-9. What’s the primary implication of this text? 

Notice the phrases in the text that are quoted from the Old Testament. How does it encourage you to know Peter would have referenced the Old Testament as he writes to the churches in Asia Minor? 

What’s the ongoing nature of this text? What’s one example of God’s ongoing work in building you into a spiritual house?

How were the people of Israel a royal priesthood? In what ways did they serve faithfully? How and when did they compromise their calling? 

Read and reflect on the summary of verse 9:
I am chosen. I am a royal priest. I am His treasured possession. Brought from darkness to light to declare His praises. 

How does this truth remind you of your identity? Where does this truth challenge you? Do you see yourself this way, the way God sees you? 

Read 1 Corinthians 12.1-11, 28-30. What is Paul’s primary purpose for writing this text? 

In your own words, define spiritual gifts and the purpose of spiritual gifts. 

Read Romans 12.3-8; Ephesians 4.11-12; 1 Peter 4.9-11. As you read these lists of gifts, how do you see them building up the local church? What’s the priority and purpose of gifts as noted in these texts? 

Read and reflect on the quote from Ked Hemphill:
“A spiritual gift is an individual manifestation of grace from the Father that enables you to serve Him and thus play a vital role in His plan for the redemption of the world.” 

What do you believe is your spiritual gift? How has your gift been affirmed communally? How are you stewarding the gift God has given you? 

Why do some Christians believe the gifts do not operate in the local church any longer? How do you see the gifts at work in our local church? 

Karl Barth noted people come to church with one question on their minds, “Is it true?” What question continues to come to mind as you come to church? How have you experienced the truth of each of the following: 

Is it true?

The love of God,

the saving power of Jesus Christ,

the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit,

the resurrection from the dead,

the forgiveness of sins….

Is it true?