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1 Corinthians 3.1-9 Maturity Through Humility

By October 20, 20191 Corinthians

What is an area of your life where you work to see growth? A hobby, skill, gardening, working out, etc.? Why do you work to see growth in this area?

In 1 Corinthians 3:9, Paul refers to the Corinthian believers as infants in Christ. Why do you think there has been a lack of growth in these believers?

How would you describe the difference between “spiritual people” and “people of the flesh” that Paul speaks of?

We have been given a powerful force as we seek to grow in spiritual maturity (see 2 Corinthians chapter 2). How does Galatians 5:16 encourage you?

What is the sign of immaturity that Paul points to in 1 Corinthians 3:2-3? How do you see jealousy and strife surface in your life? What is God trying to do in you regarding these spaces?

Respond to this quote from John Piper: “So what is it about a person that makes them unable to digest solid food? It’s pride. Or to put it positively, the organ that properly digests solid food is humility. As long as a person is still largely influenced by a spirit of self-exaltation, he is not able to digest solid food. The throat of pride is too narrow and non-pliable to handle the solid food.”

1 Corinthians 3:4 sounds so petty when we read it today, but are there areas of your life where God would say that you are “being merely human?”

How is God inviting you to respond to him so that you can continue to grow in maturity?

Take some time to reflect on the power of the Spirit in you and thank God for what he has done, and continues to do in your life.

Listen to the song, Worlds Apart – Jars of Clay.