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1 Corinthians 5.6-13

By January 19, 20201 Corinthians

Read 1 Corinthians 5.1-13 incarnatinally. Where do you find yourself in the text?

How have these last two messages on 1 Corinthians 5 encouraged you? Where have you been most challenged?

How are you learning to see your sexuality through the Gospel? What is one way you are seeing your sexuality differently today than you did yesterday?

The Sermon on the Mount was referenced on Sunday. Spend a few moments reading Matthew 5.1-13. On Sunday, we read verses 3-4 and referenced the idea of “mourning” over sin. There are healthy and unhealthy ways to mourn over sin. Give examples of each.

How have you been comforted by mourning over sin?

Read 1 Corinthians 5.2, 5, 9 & 13. What is at the heart of Paul’s commands?

Describe a time in which you’ve lived into these verses? What was/is the outcome?

Paul uses the analogy of yeast that leavens dough (6-8). How have you seen seemingly small expressions of sin poison a whole batch of dough? More personally, how have you experienced small expressions of sin poison your whole being?

Paul is raising the level of the Gospel ethic. Two questions were asked in the message on Sunday. Reflect and respond to each.

Will the church live out the Gospel, with its ethical implications, or will it continue in its present ‘spirituality’ that tolerates such sin and thereby destroys God’s temple in Corinth?

Will we live out the Gospel, with its ethical implications or tolerate sin that will destroy God’s temple called Sanctuary?

What does it look like for you today to live out the ethical implications of the Gospel? What will you not do? How will you allow others to join you in living out the Gospel today?

Read and reflect on the following passages:
2 Thessalonians 3.6
2 Thessalonians 3.14-15
2 Timothy 3.5
Titus 3.10

How does Scripture reinforce Scripture? How does this reinforcement encourage you? If something is referenced more than once in Scripture, does that make it more important than something only referenced once?

How do you discern the importance of Scripture? When do you choose to build your life around a truth and when to dismiss Scripture? When was the last time you dismissed a passage of Scripture?

Read 1 Corinthians 5.11. Paul includes a list of other sins that are not to be tolerated in the church. Note each of those listed here. Is this list meant to be exhaustive or is it specific?

The list includes people who are unrepentant in the following:
Idol worshipper.

How have you been wounded by these sins? Which of these causes you the greatest temptation? How have you found forgiveness and been comforted from these sins?

Slander can be translated as “verbal abuse.” In your own words, define verbal abuse. How prevalent is this sin in and around your life? How do you deal with the effects of verbal abuse, including the sin of gossip?

Whose responsibility is it to “hand one over to Satan?” How are you growing in seeing yourself as responsible? Who is responsible for you? How have you entrusted yourself into the hands of another?

Read and reflect on 1 Corinthians 5.9-13 from the Message. What encourages you most about this text? What one way is God inviting you to receive His truth?

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