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1 Corinthians 6.1-11

By January 27, 20201 Corinthians

Read 1 Corinthians 6.1-11 incarnationally. Where do you find yourself in this text?

What’s the primary point of the verses 1-7?

Paul asks the question, “Why not be cheated?” How would the Corinthian church receive this kind of truth?

Read Matthew 5.30-40 and 1 Peter 2.9-24. How do these two passages affirm the theme of this text?

Read John 13.34-35. What is the Gospel ethic we find in these words of Jesus?

The phrase, “See how they love each other,” was used in the message on Sunday. What would Sanctuary look like, and sound like, and feel like, and love like if outsiders looked at us and commented, “See how they love each other.”

How have you experienced the church in ways that are opposite to the phrase? How have you been hurt by the church? How do you find healing and holiness through the process of forgiveness and reconciliation?

In “The Great Opportunity,” we learn that 1 million church kids leave the church every year. If this continues, by 2050, 42 million kids who have been raised in church will leave the church. How do you respond to this report?

What is the central reason kids will leave our church and not return to church in their future?

Conversely, the report stated reasons kids will stay and grow in their faith. The report read, “There are three major factors: highly engaged parents who care for their own faith and the faith of their children; other adults actively supporting youth in their walk with God; and calling youth into mission. For parents and churches, it is very clear: ‘You get who you are.’”

What is the implication for you?

Read 1 Corinthians 6.7-11. What’s the primary message of these verses?

The second part of the message included a testimony from Matt Mantooth. How did you resonate with his story?

Matt’s story has some starts and stops, ups and downs. Look back on your story. Note some of the places where there were starts and stops, and ups and downs. What role did community play in meeting you, caring for you, and loving you?

Read verse 11 personally: “And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

Personalize this verse by writing your name in the blanks: “And that is what some of you were. But ___________ was washed, _____________ was sanctified, _______________ was justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”

How do you engage the temptation to see yourself through your sin instead of through the Gospel? How can the people around you encourage you to view yourself just as verse 11 teaches?

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