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So, What’s Next?

Our prayer is that this invitation to transformation will result in more than just money being given, but each person taking another step in becoming more like Christ. If this is God’s church and He desires to transform His people and bring our dead neighbors from death to life He is going to do what is best for His church.  It is a privilege that God welcomes us into the work that He is doing in the world. We invite you to use this opportunity as a chance come before God ask Him how He is leading you to sow for a great awakening.

We are expectant of what God is going to do through the Seed Offering at Sanctuary and are thankful for your willingness to partner with us in this great opportunity for our Faith Family. Below you will find an online commitment form where you can make a commitment to donate to the Seed Offering.  We will only build based on what has been given/committed, so you commitment helps us determine the best path forward.  If you desire to make a donation to the Seed Offering today, you can do that through our online giving portal.

FAQs Regarding Seed Offering Donations:
1) How can I make a commitment to participate in the Seed Offering?

  • You can complete an electronic commitment card below.  If you desire to make a donation, you will want to do that in addition to completing the commitment card.

2) How can I donate to the Seed Offering?

  • Seed Offering donations can be made through any of the normal giving options at Sanctuary, including online.  You can also give through the Sanctuary app by clicking on the giving tile and selecting Seed Offering from the donation options.  The easiest way to give electronically on any Sunday is through text giving. Simply text any dollar amount along with the keyword “seedoffering” to 84321.  If it is your first time giving via text, you will receive a link to help you set up your account.  Donating via text to the general fund can be done by texting any dollar amount to 84321. If you are interested in donating appreciated stock please contact Mary Tillberry for directions.

3) Can I set up recurring donations so what I commit to give is automatically given based on the schedule I determine?

  • Yes, recurring donations can be set up online within the Sanctuary giving portal.  We encourage you to set these up as ACH donations (instead of credit card) because the processing fees are much less and will result in your gift being maximized for kingdom use.

4) How can I know how much has been given/committed to the Seed Offering?

  • We will be updating the main Seed Offering page monthly with current giving totals and construction updates.

If you have any other questions about the Seed Offering please reach out to any of our staff or Elders.

Sanctuary has always been about seeing God transform lives, and this is just the next step in our journey of transformation.  The prayer is that you will join us in this journey of transformation as we all seek to see God transform our Faith Family, our community, and the world.