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Day 35

By November 27, 2018SeedOffering

Arise, cry out in the night,
    as the watches of the night begin;
pour out your heart like water
    in the presence of the Lord.
Lift up your hands to him
    for the lives of your children,
who faint from hunger
    at every street corner. (Lamentations 2:19)

Deep grief is expressed in Lamentations, grief at the destruction of Jerusalem and the devastation of its nation. In the midst of tragedy and desolation, there is still space for hope and to realize the mercy of God as He turns all sin, damage, and loss to be used for His good.

We are called to confession and a posture of repentance as we become aware of sin in our lives. Take some time today to ask God to expose and reveal to you the sins lurking in your depths, those lying in dark, hidden spaces. Ask Him to bring them into the light for repentance and for healing.

As we repent, we can praise God for the price that has been paid for our sins by the power of the cross. Ask God for a greater understanding of His grace, grace that covers our multitude of sins.

“Sin is the second most powerful force in the universe, for it sent Jesus to the cross. Only one force is greater—the love of God.” —Billy Graham

Prayer Focus: Men at Sanctuary

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