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Depart From Me, I Never Knew You (Matt 7:21-23)

By January 27, 2019Hard Sayings of Jesus

1. Read Matthew 7.21-23 incarnatioanlly. Where do you find yourself in this text?
2. This sermon series has been entitled “The Hard Sayings of Jesus.” How does this text cause you to think a better title might be, “The Scary Sayings of Jesus?”
3. What is Jesus saying here? Is Jesus actually saying there will be people who don’t go to heaven?
4. There are times when Jesus speaks in metaphor or parables. This is not one of those times. How does this teaching shape/reshape your beliefs about Jesus or eternity?
5. Read Matthew 7.15-19. In what ways have you encountered a “false prophet?” What does Jesus say is the criteria for knowing if a prophet is a “true” prophet vs. “false.”
6. Consider the good work God is doing in your life, what fruit is He currently producing in you? How are others around you experiencing that fruit?
7. Describe a season where you felt barren. A season where little or no fruit was being produced. Can you identify a reason why that season was fruitless? Does good behavior always equate to fruit bearing? What does Scripture say about how and when spiritual fruit is produced? Who initiates that fruit bearing?
8. Read Matthew 7.13-14. What is the narrow road that Jesus describes? How do you know if you are walking on the narrow road vs. the wide road? What indicators would help you understand the path you are on?
9. How does religion often lead to a road of “pleasing God?” Describe what it is like to walk down the road of “Trusting God.” How challenging is it for you to walk down the road of “Trusting God”? What’s the greatest temptation in walking down the road of “Pleasing God.”
10. Have you ever been in a season where you questioned your salvation? What took you to that question, how did the question get resolved?
11. Read 2 Corinthians 5.21 and answer the following questions.
Who is righteous?
Based on what?
Based on what whose done?
12. Read and reflect on the quote from Judah Smith.
“God is not intimated by sin. He is in control, and the blood of His Son has canceled and conquered the power of sin forever for all who simply believe. When we find that place of just trusting God and realize we are righteous permanently and our past, present future sins are forgiven, all of a sudden there is contagiousness. We discover things like self-control and morality and purity—these things we’ve strived for our whole life that don’t come by discipline but come by a real trust in the person of Jesus.”
13. Today, are you putting more faith in your sin, or in your Savior?
14. Read Galatians 4.8-11. How does this passage encourage you?
15. How does God reward those who are generous? Are those who are not generous punished?
16. Where are you most tempted to “drift” or “slide back” into slavery?
17. What is the most personal way God is making Himself known to you today?