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1 Corinthians 9.19-23

By August 23, 2020August 27th, 20201 Corinthians

Read 1 Corinthians 9.19-23, 10.31-33; 11.1. As you reflect on the text, what speaks most directly to you today?

What in the text causes you confusion? What excites you? How does this text challenge you?

What was Paul’s primary purpose in writing this portion of the letter?

In the past few weeks, how have you sensed the call to subject your freedom for the sake of others? How have you carried out that call? What’s been the outcome?

Read Mark 10.43-45. Give a few examples of how Jesus lived out this teaching. How do you see Paul echoing the words of Jesus? How is Paul living out the teaching of Jesus?

What’s the potential misinterpretation of “Becoming all things to all people” (22)?

Examine the sermons of Paul in the book of Acts. How do you see Paul speak differently to Jews and Gentiles?

Cite a few examples where Jesus shared the Good News in different ways when speaking to different kinds of people.

Paul says his goal is to “save some.” What is Paul referring to with this statement?

Paul uses the metaphor of “winning” in the text. What is the ultimate goal for Paul?

In the text, how do you see Paul taking initiative?

As you think about your week, how and where have you begun to take initiative? Where in your life might passivity still have a stronghold?

Paul is imitating Jesus. How and where is Jesus calling you to imitate Him? Who is imitating you? Who have you invited to imitate you?

Read Romans 13.8-10 & Galatians 5.13-14. Note the congruence of these two passages. How do they support the message of 1 Corinthians? How is love ruling and reigning in your everyday, ordinary conversations at home, at the ball field, and in the marketplace?

Give God praise for His prevailing love.