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June 26, 2022: 1 Peter 3

By June 26, 2022July 3rd, 20221 & 2 Peter

Read 1 Peter 1-3

1.What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

3. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Reflect on the verses in the middle of the text, verses 8-18 & answer the following questions. 

4. Peter writes now a third time about suffering, and he calls for the Church to remember Christ in the midst of suffering. Why does he repeat himself? 

5. In the middle of the text Peter quotes Psalm 34.12-16. Why does he include this particular Psalm? 

6. In the midst of suffering, what passages of Scripture bring encouragement?

7. When you are ministering to others who are suffering, what passages of Scripture do you share?

8. In verse 15 writes, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” What’s your answer? What is the reason for the hope that you have?

9. When was the last time you shared your “reason for hope” with another?

10. How does your hope get expressed in your everyday, ordinary life? 

Reflect on the last few verses of chapter 3.19-22 and answer the following questions. 

11. Why does Peter point back to Noah when talking about baptism?

12. Where else in his letter to refer to Old Testament patriarchs?

13. Why is this “pointing back” important? 

14. Peter calls on followers of Jesus to remember the importance of their baptism.

15. How do you view your own baptism?

16. How is your baptism significant to you today?

17. Describe the “lived nature” of your baptism today.

Read and reflect on Mark 1.1-11 and answer the following questions.

18. Why did Jesus get baptized? 

19. How does the blessing of Jesus get transferred to all those who believe?  

Read and reflect on Acts 8.5-38 and answer the following questions. 

20. What speaks most personally to you here?

21. How do you see Peter and Phillip integrating the teachings of Jesus in their lives?

22. How does this text invite all people into the family of God? 

Read and reflect on 1 Peter 3.1-12 and answer the following questions. 

23. Marriage is the most intimate of all earthly relationships, how do these verses underscore that truth?

24. How does our belief about marriage, and our conduct in marriage reflect our individual relationship with God?

25. The lived nature of baptism begins at home. How do these verses specifically call you to live and love at home?

26. What does the text mean when it talks about equality in a home?

27. In your own words define honor.

28. How would your spouse, or if not married your best friend say you honor them?

29. What would it feel like for you to be honored by your spouse, or best friend?

30. How do you bless those in your home? Be specific.

31. How do you experience blessing in your home? Be specific. 

Reread Psalm 34.

Give God praise for His love for you. Rest in His love today.  

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