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A National Confession: Daniel’s Prayer | Daniel 9

As you begin take a few minutes and watch the Bible Project’s introduction to the book of Daniel. Note how you see God at work in the midst of this story:

Read Daniel 9. What speaks most personally to you in Daniel’s posture and prayer? 

How significant to you is that Daniel is “reading the Scriptures” as part of his regular time in prayer and study? Daniel is reading from the prophet Jeremiah. Read Jeremiah 29.10-14. How does this prophecy intersect with Daniel’s reality? 

Daniel is going to live out what he is reading in the text. When you read Scripture, how does it become part of your life? How do you live out the truth of the text? 

Daniel prays a prayer of confession on behalf of the people of Israel. How does Daniel identify himself with the sin of the nation? 

How would you describe Daniel’s understanding of sin? What is the relational consequence of our sin? How are we restored to right relationship with God through confession? 

In what ways do you see similarities between the people of Israel and the people in our neighborhood? 

Have you ever prayed a prayer of confession, or sought forgiveness from someone on behalf of another? What was the result of that confession?

In Daniel’s prayer, how does he view God? How does Daniel approach God, speak to God, and trust God? 

Read 1 John 1.5-9 and James 5.16. How do these passages encourage you?

What’s the role of community in prayer? How are we healed through confession? 

Read Matthew 3.8. What does it look like for you to “produce fruit in keeping with repentance?” 

Read 2 Corinthians 5.1-21. What does the “ministry of reconciliation” mean to you? How is God calling you to lean into this ministry? What’s His heart for your partnership as an “ambassador”? 

Read Psalm 139.22-24. Allow God to search you, allow Him to speak to you about what makes you anxious. Allow Him to lead you in the way everlasting.