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April 25, 2021: 1 Samuel 17:20–51

Read 1 Samuel 17. How does this text draw you more deeply to the heart of God? How does this text help you see the character of God, the love of God? 

Goliath was a descendent of Anakim a people that were in the Promise Land during the days of Moses, Joshua and Caleb. Joshua and Caleb along with the 10 other spies explore the Promise Land. Joshua and Caleb explored the Promise Land and came back with a good report. Read Numbers 14.6-10 and answer the following questions. 

What did Joshua and Caleb see that the other 10 spies did not see? “The whole assembly talked about stoning them.” How does this strike you?Why would the Israelites want to “stone” Joshua and Caleb? Where do you sense the Church talks more than acts? 

Read Galatians 5.13-15. How does this text invite you to love your Faith Family more genuinely? According to the text what will happen to our Faith Family, what will happen to your family if we continue to hurt each other with our words and actions? 

Why didn’t King Saul engage the giant Goliath in battle? 

How do you see God at work in the choosing of David to fight Goliath? 

Reread 1 Samuel 17.38-40. How might this section be where David’s real fight occurs? 

Where are you most tempted to take on the ways of the world, instead of being who God created you to be? 

What giants are you currently facing? Who is joining you in the battle?

Read and reflect on the following from Rabbi Zusya: “In the coming world, they will not ask me: ‘Why were you not Moses?’ They will ask me, ‘Why were you not Zusya.’”

God, through Samuel calls David “a man after God’s own heart.” How do you believe God characterizes you? 

The text says David, “ran to the battle.” In your fight against your giants how are you running to the battle? How are you tempted to run away? How are you temped to believe you are not in a fight? 

David makes 2 pronouncements about the giant Goliath, and 9 pronouncements about God. Note each here. 

Read Psalm 23.1 How do you sense this truth alive in you today? Where do you struggle to fully live out this truth? 

The story of David and Goliath ends violently. Jesus says, “From the days of John the Baptist until now, the King of God is forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it.” What does Jesus mean by this statement? What is the implication of this truth? 

How does Jesus break generational sin? How are you living in the freedom of His victory? 

Read and reflect on Revelation 19.11-19. Give Him praise for His victory won for you today.