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Ash Wednesday: February 26

By February 26, 2020Lent Devotional 2020

Reclaiming the Truth

“ ‘And yet even now,’ says the Lord, ‘return to me with all your heart…’” Joel 2.12

Redeeming the Time 

The cry the prophet speaks conveys the deep heart of our God. “And yet even now.” Just as you are, right where you are, in this very moment, our God invites you to return to Him. Notice the invitation. He’s not waiting for you to figure it out. He’s not waiting for you to get it all together. He’s not waiting for you to even come to Him. He’s coming to you with this incredible invitation, “Return to me.” 

Traditionally, Ash Wednesday is a day of returning. It often times has the overtone of confession and repentance. Ash Wednesday reminds us that from dust we are made and from dust we will return. All of that is true, and all of that has its place, even for us, especially for us. 

This year, in this season, in this moment, we want to invite you to look at Ash Wednesday differently. We want to invite you to see this day differently, to approach this day differently, to respond in this day differently. If confession and repentance are needed, please engage in those responses, but this Ash Wednesday we want to invite you to “redeem the time.” We want to invite you not to give up something, but to reclaim what has already been given. To reclaim our identity as beloved children of the Most High God. 


  • Where are the places in your own life where you feel distant from God?
  • What has distracted you from cultivating your relationship with God more intentionally?
  • How might you begin to believe and receive in the goodness and grace of His redemptive work? 

Resting in His Redemption 

In his prayer book, “Guerillas of Grace”, Ted Loder offers this prayer entitled, “My Heart in My Mouth.” Allow it to be your prayer. Rest in His redemption today. Rest and Receive.

“O God of such truth as sweeps away all lies,

of such grace as shrivels all excuses, 

come now to find us

for we have lost our selves 

in a shuffle of disguises

and in the rattle of empty words.

We have been careless

of our days,

our loves,

our gifts, 

our chances…

Our prayer is to change, O God, 

not out of despair of self

but for love of you, 

and for the selves we long to become

before we simply waste away.

Let your mercy move in and through us now…Amen.”

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