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Atlanta Dream Center Update #3

Sarah Haney & Jenna here reporting to you live from ADC day 2!! Today we realized that God’s Love & word doesn’t only have to be spread to those who are sexually exploited, those without homes, & children who live in low income areas, but His love can be spread to people just like me & you. We walked around the heart of downtown handing out waters, and asking for prayer. It was surprising to see the contrast between the acceptance and rejection of our works throughout this outreach. After this wonderful experience, our team had fun with MeTrO KiDz!! These kiddos were so so sweet, and seemed to really enjoy playing with us. (We both painted some ~interesting~ pictures on kids’ faces. LOL) Then, our knight in shining armor appeared to us around dinner time: Craig Bowler with Antico’s pizza- what a sight for sore eyes. We had fun eating, laughing, dancing, and singing together in the park on a gorgeous day. We ended the night with Words of Life (you’ll hear about it from your girl) and it was TeAr JeArKiNg, but great words of encouragement.
Thanks for all of your prayers, and God is doing great things this week.

Ps- MOM & DAD I miss y’all, give Charlie a big ole kiss for me 😉 xo Sar
PPS- hi mom, can’t wait to see u soon:) and hi Jadin and AGB. I. MISS. YOU. 💖 -Jenna