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Denise Gallichio

Friday, March 17

By Lenten Devotion 2023 No Comments

COMPASSION HYMN by Keith & Kristen Getty

There is an everlasting kindness
You lavished on us

When the Radiance of heaven
Came to rescue the lost

You called the sheep without a shepherd
To leave their distress

For your streams of forgiveness
And the shade of Your rest

And with compassion for the hurting,
You reached out Your hand

As the lame ran to meet You
And the dead breathed again

You saw behind the eyes of sorrow
And shared in our tears

Heard the sigh of the weary
Let the children draw near

What boundless love, what fathomless grace
You have shown us, O God of compassion!
Each day we live an offering of praise

As we show to the world Your compassion.

We stood beneath the cross of Calvary
And gazed on Your face
At the thorns of oppression
And the wounds of disgrace

For surely You have borne our suffering
And carried our grief

As You pardoned the scoffer
And showed grace to the thief

How beautiful the feet that carry
This gospel of peace

To the fields of injustice
And the valleys of need

To be a voice of hope and healing
To answer the cries

Of the hungry and helpless
With the mercy of Christ


  1. What words or phrases resonate with you in these lyrics?
  2. What does it sound like for you to live each day as “an offering of praise”?
  3. How can you invite others to live into this offering of praise?


Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

Thursday, March 16

By Lenten Devotion 2023 No Comments


“When Jesus saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” Matthew 9:36

TESTIMONY: (Written by Sherrie Escoe)

Jesus had compassion. I had to stop and think – what is compassion? Is it love, empathy, kindness? It is those things, but it’s much more. Compassion is the feeling that arises within us when we learn of someone’s suffering AND are motivated to do something. The word literally means to suffer together.

 As I reflect on the words of Jesus, I realize I completely underestimate the personal aspect of His compassion. Yes, He has compassion for my family, my friends, and my pastor, but compassion for me? Why did Jesus have compassion on the crowds? Not because they were doing or even trying, which is like the idea of control- a continuous doing, a means to move things in the direction I want them to go. No, He had compassion because they were harassed and helpless. I can relate to feeling harassed and helpless. I feel it more often than I want to admit. Jesus’ desire is for us to come to Him. He promises rest. It also gives way for Him to work out our suffering in the best way.

The next time you feel tired, worried, or even abandoned, rememberGod’s compassion. You are known by your Creator. He actively orchestrates all things for your good. He’s already shown us His perfect and ultimate display of compassion in Jesus. He gave His life as the payment for our transgressions, and He’s created an eternal life so incredible, we can’t even grasp its wonder. So, as we wait in our weakness, let’s remember God is with us. He knows you and showers His compassion on you every day. Let’s actively look for it, receive it, and pass it on.


  1. How have you experienced God’s compassion?
  2. Where are opportunities for you to show compassion for others, to suffer together?
  3. What are some ways you can be still and accept God’s unlimited faithfulness?


Abba Father, Because You love us – the helpless ones – we are not consumed. I’m incredibly grateful your compassions are unlimited. They are brand new every morning I wake up; not because of anything I do or feel, but because of Your great faithfulness to me. Your unfailing love is too much for me to grasp. Help me to live in your faithfulness.

In Jesus,

Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist

Wednesday, March 15

By Lenten Devotion 2023 No Comments


18 “I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’ 20 So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him, and kissed him.” Luke 15:18-20


Consider the state of this son, the state of his heart, the defeat of his soul. Imagine his thoughts as he rehearses his dreaded, shameful return: “I’m no longer worthy to be called your son.”


I’ve wavered and gone astray. I don’t deserve anything you offer. You were willing to love me and to help me, but I needed to go my own way. It was all for nothing. But, I can’t live without you, my Father. I know you’ll tell me ‘no’, but please – all I ask is for the place of a servant. Just let me serve you and your household.

Then suddenly, in the midst of rehearsing these words, I look up and see my Father. Shame takes course; I know now this will be harder than I thought. I want to run back again, but I know I can’t – I know there’s nothing for me there. I look a little harder and I see . . . arms reaching, Father running, and I hear words of invitation, not condemnation. What do I see? I stop.

I’m stunned. Maybe he thinks I’m someone else. Should I turn and run before disappointment hits him and he realizes who I am? He runs harder toward me and meets me and sees me and wraps himself around me. I’m speechless; I melt in my Father’s embrace. How could it be? How could he offer me such an embrace after all I’ve done? Who does he see in me?


This is just one story of one son and Father. The ultimate story is the story in which we live as the sons and daughters of our Father who is love. His compassion for us was expressed in the life, death, and resurrection of our Christ. This story is living; this story is our story. His arms are open for you and me. Let’s receive His embrace and live and love in the way of Jesus Christ our brother and Savior.


  1. How have you embraced the compassion God has for you?
  2. Is there anything that hinders you from receiving compassion offered to you?
  3. How might you live more compassionately towards others?


Father, who waits with loving, arms open towards me, what could I bring to you? What could I do to make up for all I have squandered away? There’s simply nothing. I hear your invitation to receive the grace you offer. Enable me to receive, and grant me the courage to believe in the offer of your free grace, and from that space, may your compassion flow through me. God, give me eyes of compassion to see your image in others. Grant me inner kindness that reaches towards each person around me, free of judgment and full of love. Have your way in me Lord, have your way through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sanctuary Lent 2023 Spotify Playlist