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By Lent 2022 No Comments

Ash Wednesday begins the Church’s observance of the Lenten season. It is a space in time in which we are called to return to the Lord. The prophet Joel declares, “Yet even now, says the Lord, repent and return to me with all your heart” Joel 2:13.

Traditionally, this season focuses on ways we can more intentionally enter into the disciplines of prayer, self-examination and repentance. Many Christians choose to include some sort of fast, or even a withdrawal from a portion of regular daily life. The Lenten season is also marked by celebration in remembering the compassion of Jesus, the servanthood of Jesus and the indescribable sacrifice of Jesus – Himself becoming our sin, paying our debt and making atonement for our sins and then overcoming sin and death through His victorious resurrection.

This year at Sanctuary, instead of focusing on self-examination and withdrawal we are going to lean in, we are going to move toward, the truth that we believe.

We believe the truth of God’s Word. We believe Jesus made atonement for our sins. We believe He suffered, died, and was buried, and we believe He was resurrected from the dead. We believe these truths and stake our lives their foundation.

This season we want to live more fully into what we believe.

To help us journey through this season together Sonny, Matt, Brent and Heather have joined me in creating a daily text devotional. The devotional will follow along with the Lenten sermon series and give you daily encouragement to live as if these truths were true.

Our hope is that you’d lean in with us this season and participate in the daily devotional personally, and with a small group of people, either at Sanctuary or maybe even in your office, classroom, or neighborhood.

Each devotional will include a portion of Scripture, a short reflection on the text, a few questions for reflection, and a prayer offered to bring rest. Devotionals on Saturdays will be prayers from Scripture or from our staff team. We trust these devotionals will be another way of being transformed by the Gospel to live and love like Jesus.

Honored to celebrate this season with you. “May it begin in me. Right here, Jesus. Right now, Jesus.”

Craig Bowler

How to Get Daily Push Notifications

By Lent 2022 No Comments

If you would like to opt-in to receive a daily push notification from the Sanctuary App as a reminder of this Lenten devotional, you can follow the instructions below.

If you do not already have the Sanctuary App, you can download the app by texting “Sanctuary” to 770-691-1140 or click HERE to download the app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

If you do already have the Sanctuary App, be sure that you have the most updated version. You can do this by checking your app store for updates to the Sanctuary App.

Turn On App Notifications:

Once you have the app downloaded or updated, go to your phone settings & find your notification settings. Look for the Sanctuary App and then click “allow notifications.” Each Android phone and iPhone may have a slightly different variation of how to turn on notifications for the Sanctuary App, so please contact the church office at 770-884-1963 for any assistance needed. You can view any past push notification messages at any time in the side menu of the Sanctuary App. Look for the three horizontal bars at the top right corner of the app home screen to find your messages.

Android Phones:

Some android phones may have an additional place to enable app notifications beyond your phone settings. When you open your app home screen, click on the three horizontal bars in the top right corner. If you are logged into your profile on the app, you will see your name appear at the top of this side menu. You may have a gear icon at the bottom of this side menu. If so, click on the gear icon to find the “enable notifications” option and turn that on. You are good to go!

February 20, 2022: Forgiveness and Family? Genesis 44.1-34; Matthew 6.9-15

By Joseph: Story About Family

Read Genesis 50. What does this text say about the nature of God? What does it say about the character of God? What does it say about the love of God? 

As you read the text, where do you find yourself today? With what verse, scene or section do you most resonate? What’s confusing and what questions arise as you read the text? 

At the beginning of the study, we learned God would use one family as partners in His redemption plan. Through this one family, the Messiah would ultimately come. How do you see God at work in the family of Abraham, Issac, Jacob and now Joseph? 

In the New Testament, the plan of redemption includes the local church, His Faith Family. How are you seeing God work in and through our Faith Family? How are you hearing the redemption song being sung in and through your family? 

Reread Genesis 50.15. What two things do Joseph’s brothers fear? 

In your own words, define a “guilty conscience.” 

How has your life been impacted by the guilty conscience of another? 

Read Psalm 38.4. How do you resonate with this verse? 

What does God see in you? What does God believe about you? How do you resonate with the truth that “God is glad to see you”? What, if anything, could you do to make God see you any differently? 

Joseph’s brothers carried the weight of guilt for 40 years. Though they had the opportunity to receive forgiveness, they choose to remain in their guilt and shame. What kind of impact does that have on a life? What kind of impact does that kind of weight have on a family? How might God be inviting you even now to release your own pain of guilt or the pain and suffering that comes from the hands and hearts of another? 

The text notes Joseph “weeping” seven times. What is it that causes this kind of emotional expression? When was the last time you wept over the brokenness of another? How did you sense God meeting you in that space? 

Read Genesis 45.1-8 and answer the following questions. Why does Joseph remove everyone from his presence except his brothers? What causes Joseph to express this kind of sorrow? What does Joseph say to his brothers about their sin against him? 

Reread Genesis 50.19-21. Note the similarity in Joseph’s response in chapter 45 and in 50. How does Joseph view what has happened to him in his past? 

Consider the truth of Genesis 50.20. Where are you currently experiencing God’s Sovereignty prevailing in your life? Where are you waiting deeper still for God’s Sovereignty to prevail? Who waits with you?  

Reread the final section of Genesis 50. What do you hear from Joseph? What are his last recorded words? What truth does he communicate to his family? 

How does the ending of Joseph’s story encourage you to trust God with this current chapter of your story? How might others join you in this chapter, or in previous chapters of your story? 

Spend some moments praying and praising God for His prevailing love. 

February 13, 2022: Overcoming the Barriers to Forgiving Others – Genesis 42.1-28; Matthew 18.21-22

By Joseph: Story About Family No Comments

In thinking about Bible heroes, how high would you “rank” Joseph compared to others like Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, Paul, etc.

Joseph was wronged by three different groups or individuals:

  • His brothers
  • Potiphar’s wife
  • Pharaoh’s butler

If you had been the victim of the offenses committed by these three, which would be the hardest for you to forgive?

How do you think you would have reacted if you had been Joseph waiting for two full years to be released from prison after the butler forgot him?

Why do you think it took Joseph so long to get around to revealing his true identity to his brothers? Do you think it was wrong of him to wait?

Do you think you have to get rid of bitter feelings toward someone who has wronged you before you can forgive them?

Is there someone you are harboring bitterness toward? Can you honestly say you truly hope they will join you in heaven? What would it take for you to make the choice to forgive them?