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40 Days of Prayer for Transformation

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40 Days of Prayer

Beginning October 24th, we invite the Sanctuary Faith Family on a 40 day journey of seeking God through prayer.  The daily prayer guide will be available through the Sanctuary App and you can receive reminders to pray by updating your profile through the App.

Updating Your App Profile To Receive Daily Reminders:

  • Click in the upper right corner of the app home screen
  • Click on your name at the top to access your profile
  • Update your contact information & add a picture
  • Click on “My Interests” at the bottom of your profile
  • Ensure that the “40DaysOfPrayer” option is checked
  • Selecting other interests will ensure that you receive communication specific to your ministry interests
  • Go to the notification settings within your phone to ensure that you have allowed notifications from the Sanctuary App

Beginning October 24th, daily reminders will be sent through the app inviting you to engage in that day’s prayer prompts. We are excited to see what God does through this season of prayer as we journey together as a Faith Family.

Bolivia Trip Update #2

By Bolivia, Mission Trips
Sunday we had a wonderful worship service at the Learning Center property led by Toni’s father, Wes.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, the women traveled around serving our Lord through VBS, worship & prayer, touching many hearts as they went. The men, meanwhile, joined our Bolivian brothers working on the Pastor’s home and the property.
Thursday, we started our bittersweet goodbyes as we left Chochis for the last time this trip.  After a brief fellowship and lunch in San Jose, we will be headed to Santa Cruz.
We have been richly blessed with health, safety, and productivity thus far….not to mention the beautiful weather!
It has been an amazing experience to, once again, join our Bolivian mission team and to love, pray, laugh, worship and fellowship without borders!
God is so good and gracious!…looking forward to returning to Sanctuary as we grow in Him.
Love In Him…
Because He Lives and Loves…
Scott Luce


By Bolivia, Mission Trips, Uncategorized

Team Bolivia has arrived…
…we are “boots on the ground” in Santa Cruz…
…praising God for His travel mercies!.
…celebrating a family reunion with our Bolivian brothers and sisters…
…headed to Chochis this morning…
…looking forward to all He has planned for us!

Sanctuary/Saving Susan Cambodia Update #3

By Cambodia, Mission Trips
We are waiting in the Phnom Penh airport for our departing flight from Cambodia as this is being written.  What a fantastic end to our week!  On Thursday, we successfully completed English assessments for the Bileg orphans and then fed nearly 60 kids at the Manna Center outside Kampong Thom.  These kids would live on plain rice alone were it not for supplemental nourishment provided four days each week by the Solid Rock Baptist Church and SERV International.  We conducted a devotional before lunch and asked the kids to raise their hand if they knew Jesus…and every hand went up!
Today, Friday,  the team was back in the capitol city of  Phnom Penh, and spent much of our last day helping drill and instruct budding Cambodian baseball players.  His Excellency, Thavy Nehm a provincial governor and member of Parliament has introduced baseball in Cambodian schools. A number of Christian organizations are using baseball training and competition to introduce players to the person of Jesus. David Delk made a baseball-centered gospel presentation to nearly 104 players and saw about 35 accept Jesus as Lord right there on the field!
Thank you for your love,  support, and prayers this week!   Please pray for safe travel home for the team,  and that the seeds we planted for The Kingdom this week in Cambodia will grow and multiply.
Blessings to you all!