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Before It Is Finished – Week 3

By Uncategorized


Family at the Cross / John 19.26-27

The following questions are provided to help you dig in and apply the sermon on Sunday.  You can use these questions in your personal reflections, but we would encourage you to discuss these with other people in your life as you seek to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
 If you missed Sunday’s sermon, you can watch it online.
  1. How do you see the statements from the cross as windows to the soul of God?
  2. Mary comes to the cross with three other women. Who supports, encourages, and celebrates you?
  3. “Jacob’s soul was closely bound up in Benjamin’s soul.” How is your soul bound up in the soul of another? When can that dynamic be dangerous?
  4. How challenging is it for you to trust God with your children? How are you trusting Him with your parents?
  5. Describe the power of shared grief? How have you been healed by serving, comforting, or loving another?
  6. How are you finding yourself more at Home in our Faith Family?

Before It Is Finished – Week 2

By Uncategorized

Paradise Through the Cross / Luke 23:39-43

The following questions are provided to help you dig in and apply the sermon on Sunday.  You can use these questions in your personal reflections, but we would encourage you to discuss these with other people in your life as you seek to grow in your relationship with Jesus.
  1. Of the seven statements Jesus makes from the cross the first two deal with forgiveness. Why is there this kind of emphasis on forgiveness? What’s the implication for you?
  2. The thief said to Jesus, “Remember me…” Many times we want Jesus to forget, this man wants Jesus to remember. What would evoke this kind of response from this thief?
  3. What is one way you want Jesus to “remember” (deliver) you today?
  4. Jesus responds, “Today, you will be with me in paradise.” What part of that phrase brings you the most encouragement and hope?
  5. When you think of heaven, what do you think about? How can you begin to focus your attention more on “being with Him” than on where you are going, or what you are doing – today and in eternity?
 If you missed Sunday’s sermon, you can watch it online.

Test Blog

By Outreach

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ut elit vel nunc mollis viverra. Cras ut dui sed libero condimentum faucibus sit amet in odio. Suspendisse lectus erat, porttitor vel enim in, fermentum ullamcorper est. Aliquam auctor rhoncus metus non aliquam. Praesent orci nisl, facilisis sed dolor sollicitudin, aliquam accumsan ipsum. Quisque imperdiet magna at purus aliquet, et tempus odio efficitur. Praesent blandit est mi, et dignissim odio porttitor non. Donec placerat dapibus porta. Ut maximus nulla id urna rhoncus eleifend. Cras nunc eros, varius et nulla nec, facilisis interdum ipsum.

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Vivamus sit amet aliquet enim, sit amet facilisis risus. Integer malesuada ligula et odio egestas scelerisque. Donec eu tristique urna. Pellentesque ut nisi volutpat, placerat mi vel, posuere nisi. Proin eu nulla nec mi vestibulum sollicitudin. Integer vitae commodo dui, ut elementum justo. Donec vel vehicula nisi. Vivamus nulla massa, feugiat in elit nec, venenatis hendrerit nulla. Etiam cursus eleifend dui, vitae ultrices risus feugiat quis. Donec bibendum tincidunt neque, eu eleifend velit mollis eget. Pellentesque gravida consequat felis, at pharetra massa. Duis luctus sem ut aliquam semper. Donec eu laoreet dui. Vivamus consectetur magna vitae mollis facilisis. Nullam non risus facilisis, consectetur lectus id, dignissim tortor. Morbi nisi lectus, luctus nec rutrum ac, convallis et felis.

Aenean sit amet ligula non nulla blandit tempus. Nunc id ex at lorem auctor sagittis a in est. Morbi accumsan placerat nulla ut ornare. Nullam eget iaculis nibh. Nunc tempor auctor lectus, vitae pulvinar sem porttitor nec. Nulla eget elit at velit aliquet commodo. Mauris a nibh a lorem porttitor dictum. Maecenas rhoncus orci nec libero elementum condimentum. Quisque non orci non est egestas pharetra.

Sed vulputate libero nec vestibulum fringilla. Donec ut gravida massa. Donec posuere non dolor id gravida. Vivamus quis justo quis orci hendrerit consectetur suscipit sed ex. Phasellus bibendum est nec odio rutrum efficitur. Fusce massa ligula, sollicitudin sit amet volutpat tincidunt, placerat vitae lacus. Vestibulum tempus tellus nec maximus bibendum. Phasellus vel congue enim, lobortis scelerisque ex. Praesent eleifend lorem vitae eros ornare, commodo imperdiet lacus pharetra.

Fusce non odio nibh. Ut sit amet erat id erat congue congue. Vestibulum efficitur mi elit, sed placerat nunc porta non. Nullam sollicitudin consequat ipsum id lobortis. Morbi egestas enim a aliquet mattis. Cras in imperdiet diam. Nunc odio magna, blandit eget tempor in, bibendum eget mi. Donec vel egestas lacus, eget tincidunt mauris. Vestibulum placerat in mi id condimentum. Sed sed enim nisi. Aliquam tristique magna tellus. Quisque viverra pulvinar gravida. Donec vel nibh quis nulla rhoncus vulputate. Ut faucibus ut magna in ultrices. Maecenas eget massa ut enim eleifend cursus.