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Jessica Godfrey

November 5, 2023

By Promised & True No Comments

All of God’s promises are true, but so often we can lose sight of what has been promised. Over
the next few weeks, we are going to dig into five promises that God gives us in the book of
Isaiah. As we remember what God has promised we will be reminded that each of these
promises are true and can significantly impact our lives today.
This week we discussed God’s Promise of Renewed Strength.

  1. How would you describe the difference between being tired and being weary? Can you think of a time when you felt weary and not just tired? What helped you find relief from that weariness?
  2. What is your response to the statement, “God invites those who are tired to rest and those who are weary to receive.”
  3. How does being tired hinder your ability to understand why you may be weary?
  4. As you read Isaiah 40:27-31, what is encouraging to you?
  5. On Sunday, we broke down this passage into four questions. Which of these do find yourself asking today?
    • What Do We Question? (v. 27) [Does God see me]
    • What Do We Forget? (v. 28) [Who God is]
    • What Does God Do? (v. 29) [God’s desire to strengthen]
    • What Has Really Been Promised? (v. 30-31) [3 different ways that God renews our
  6. Isaiah 40:30-31 describes three forms of renewed strength: soaring like an eagle, running
    without becoming weary, and walking without fainting. Which promise of renewed strength resonates with you most in your current
    circumstances? Why?
  7. This passage reminds us that our strength will be renewed as we wait by faith with hope in
    our God. How is God inviting you to wait on Him today?
  8. What are some ways you can practice trust and patience when waiting on God’s strength in
    your life?
  9. Sometimes the promises of God look different from what we expect, but that doesn’t mean
    the promises are not true. Can you share an experience where you had to trust in God’s
    promises even when they looked different from what you expected?

Read and reflect on Isiah 40:26.
Be encouraged that the God who created the stars, put them in place, gave them each a
name, and keeps all of them from falling, is upholding you today. He does not grow
weary, and there is nothing beyond his understanding. Our God sees, loves you, and
will strengthen you.

October 29, 2023

By Promised & True No Comments

All of God’s promises are true, but so often we can lose sight of what has been promised. Over
the next few weeks, we are going to dig into five promises that God gives us in the book of
Isaiah. As we remember what God has promised we will be reminded that each of these
promises are true and can significantly impact our lives today.
This week we discussed God’s Promise of Peace.

  1. How was God speaking to you today?
  2. How are you encouraged by His Word?
  3. How do our beliefs effect our ability to trust someone or something?
  4. Read Isaiah 26. What do you see in this song that God’s people are singing?
  5. Isaiah 26:1 says “God makes salvation it’s walls and ramparts”…what picture do you see here of the fortress around the city being God’s rescue of His people? Why is this important?
  6. In Isaiah 26:3 what does perfect peace look like for you? Have you ever experienced this?
  7. How does our trust affect us living in perfect peace? Discuss.
    God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. CS Lewis  
  8. Do you agree with this?
  9. Are there areas in your life that you search for perfect peace in something other than God?
  10. How do the disciplines of peace {Thinking-Philippians 4:8-9 and Thanking-Philippians 4:6-7} help us to trust Him and walk into the fortress of peace?

September 10, 2023 | Humanity

By What We Believe: The Doctrines of the Church No Comments

We’re in a 10-week study of the doctrine of our church. Our study is examining what we believe are the most central and essential doctrines of the Christian faith. In this week of our study we’ll look at the Doctrine of Humanity. Read our doctrine below and answer the questions that follow.

We believe all human beings, born and unborn, have been created by God in His own image, and are of great value and worth beyond our ability to measure.

Why is doctrine important to an individual believer and the community of believers?

As you read the statement on humanity, what resonates most deeply?

Read the following passages of Scripture, Genesis 1.26-27; Psalm 139.13-18; Isaiah 61; Luke 7.36-50 and answer the questions that follow.

As you read the text, what speaks most personally to you?

How do you give value and worth to all human beings? Specifically, how do give value and worth to those who are different than you, believe differently than you, speak differently than you, love differently than you?

How much do you believe you matter to God?

Where do you find yourself in the story of the woman anointing Jesus with her tears?

Read and reflect on Psalm 8.3-6. Give God praise for His love for you and all of humanity.

September 3, 2023 | Creation

By What We Believe: The Doctrines of the Church No Comments

We’re in a 10-week study of the doctrine of our church. Our study is examining what we believe are the most central and essential doctrines of the Christian faith. In this week of our study we’ll look at the Doctrine of Creation. Read our doctrine below and answer the questions that follow. 

We believe God created the world from nothing, and governs all things, at all times, in all places. 

1.Why is doctrine important to an individual believer and the community of believers? 

2. As you read the statement on creation, what resonates most deeply? 

Read the following passages of Scripture, Genesis 1-3; Colossians 1.16-17; Romans 8.22-25; Revelation 21.1-7and answer the questions that follow. 

3. As you read the text, what speaks most personally to you? 

4. How do you see God at work redeeming all creation?

5. How did the fall influence creation i.e. natural disasters, sickness, suffering, and shame?

6. How do you see God at work in the re-creation of your world and His world? 

Read and reflect on the following statement: 

Our love story begins with original glory, not original sin. It begins with the original glory of Eden not the fall from grace. Before there was ever a sinner there was already a Savior…salvation recognizes you are created in the image of Almighty God. Darkness corrupted and sin distorted this image beyond recognition, but because of God’s great love for us, Jesus made a way for grace to restore us utterly and completely. J.D. Walt

Read and reflect on Psalm 19. Give God praise for His glory, seen and witnessed in the beauty of His creation.