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Mary Tillberry

Sanctuary/Saving Susan Cambodia Trip Update #2

By Cambodia, Mission Trips

Our time was devoted to the orphans of Bileg all day Tuesday and Wednesday.  Tuesday morning we had an encouraging word from David Delk, who reminded us that in the eyes of God, while we haven’t CAUSED the problems of the world we are responsible for ADDRESSING the problems of the world.  And pouring into the orphans at Bileg is one way of preparing the next generation of Cambodian leaders to be leaders through Christ.  The Saving Susan Ministry kids from Bileg came to our facility to swim in the morning and then we were all off to their school, Solid Rock Christian Academy, for graduation ceremonies.  “School’s out for Summer”—yay!!  Jay Arntzen was keynote speaker at graduation, (translated into the Khmer language by the school’s Pastor Joseph.) 

Wednesday Cathy Russo started with a moving devotional on simply trusting God and being obedient, even when it’s not clear what plan or direction he has for us.  Then, back to Bileg for a day of academic assessments in English language proficiency, a program provided by Liberty University online.  (Yes, it was amazing to watch 10 kids taking an exam via high-speed internet in central Cambodia!) 

Wednesday was capped with a dinner and awards ceremony for the kids, at the team’s lodging facility’s restaurant. David and Tricia Delk coached the Bileg kids on God’s plan for sexual purity and got the boys and girls to pray a blessing of purity over each other (in groups).  How exciting to see these wonderful kids excel in academics and Bible studies, and now understand the need to wait in purity for God to show them their future spouse.

Next post on Friday!  Please be in prayer for our team as we move into the final two days of our trip—that God would use us in a big way to witness the power of our Savior.

Ethiopia Mission Trip Update #1

By Ethiopia, Mission Trips
The Ethiopia team has landed. Praise God the flights were easy. Some were tired when they landed but all were troopers. We had breakfast and headed right out to Sunday school at one of the churches. The Sanctuary team was amazing!!! I shared a message for the children and then we organized the children into teams for this weeks VBS. Team leaders (our team members) learned the children names and took some team pictures. I have attached some pictures from day 1.  Praise God for a great first day!

Atlanta Dream Center Update #4

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips

Hey parents,

Sorry our updates are coming out to you pretty late, but our days are FULL!  Check out a new update below!

Hey it’s Annamarie and Sarah! Today we started off with amazing worship with the worship team. Then we did a group activity called special words of life. We got to know a little more about each other and our selves…. ask your girl about it when she gets home! For our afternoon outreach we went to an apartment complex on the most diverse mile in the country. We got to ask the children to come and hang out with us and had a lot of fun in the bounce house and many other activities. Although there were language and culture differences we were able to connect to not only the children but also the parents. We also had the opportunity to go out for Compassion night. This is where we are able to provide food and clothing to the homeless people of Atlanta. We also got to listen to their stories and understand what they are going though. Being able to love on the hurting and pray for them unified our team. We were able to talk about our experiences and share how we were impacted and feeling after a full day of serving. We are so grateful for this amazing opportunity and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the rest of the week! We love you all and appreciate all of your prayers!!!