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July 9, 2023 | HABAKKUK

By July 9, 2023July 11th, 2023Come Back To Me

1.When was a time in your life when you found yourself struggling to understand what God was doing?

2. Habakkuk is unique in the sense that Habakkuk starts a dialogue with God instead of making a declaration on behalf of God. How does this encourage you in your relationship with God?

In this short book, we find three stages of Habakkuk’s faith journey:

  • -Chapter 1: Faith Wavers => Perplexity
  • -Chapter 2: Faith Waits => Perspective
  • -Chapter 3: Faith Worships => Perseverance

3. Have you ever felt that “out of sight, out of mind” applied to your relationship with God?  What do you do when you can’t see God moving and feel distant from Him?

4. Habakkuk is honest with God in chapter 1:1-4. How do you resonate with Habakkuk’s complaint with God in these verses?

5. On Sunday, we pointed to how Jeremiah, Elijah, and David all questioned what God was doing at points in their lives. What other examples can you point to that were honest in their struggles with faith in God? How do these examples encourage you in your questions, doubts, and fears?

6. God responds to Habakkuk’s questions in Habakkuk 1:6-11. What is so astounding about what God says He is going to do?

7. Are you good with trusting a God who does things, orchestrates things, and accomplishes things that you would not have thought possible?

8. What are some examples of how God has worked through very surprising ways and events in the past?

9. Habakkuk addresses God for a second time in Habakkuk 1:12-13. What is central to how he describes his relationship with God? How do you see Habakkuk clinging to faith even in the midst of his questions?

10. In Habakkuk 2:1, we see that Habakkuk’s faith moves from wavering to waiting. What does he do as he waits? What do you do in your life to gain a better perspective in your waiting?

11. In Habakkuk 2:2-4, we are reminded that God’s timing is not often our timing. When have you found yourself waiting on God longer than you would have preferred?

12. The most famous verse in Habakkuk is found in 2:4, “The righteous shall live by his faith.” It is quoted in Romans 1:16-17, Galatians 3:11, and Hebrews 10:36-39. Why do you think this verse was so important to the New Testament writers?

13. Habakkuk’s primary complaint was that God was not being just.  How does chapter 2:6-20 affirm that God’s justice will ultimately prevail?

14. In Habakkuk chapter 3, we find Habakkuk’s faith moves from wavering to waiting and ultimately worshiping. It does not appear any circumstances have changed from chapter 1 to chapter 3, but Habakkuk’s heart has changed as he chooses to trust God. What do you see in Habakkuk 3:16-19?

15. How do the following questions help you when you are in different stages of faith?

  • What are you doing?  
  • What have you done?
  • What have you promised?

16. God is inviting all of us to grow in our faith. He has never asked us to be perfect but remember that we are trusting a perfect God.

Listen to Joy In The Morning as you ask God to grow your faith as you follow Him today.

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