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Blue Skies Update #2

Day 2 – We spent the entire day at the beach with the Blue Skies families, it was incredible.  There was fishing, boogie board riding, pool fighting, bird feeding, sandcastle building, LEGO creating, sea shell finding…and most importantly relationship building with each other in the indescribable beauty of God creation!

Anthony, 19 yrs old, catching a saltwater catfish (see picture below)

Anderson, 15 yrs old, catching 2 lady fish at the same time! (see picture below)

A quick testimony from Katherine Mullins:

It would be impossible for me to fully describe everything that I have seen and experienced in the past few days. Let’s just say it’s only Tuesday and it’s been the absolute BEST week ever for me. While me and my mom have been hosting a family of 5, it’s been a blessing to get to know the family’s story as well as getting to know the other 8 family’s at Blue Skies. Having the privilege this week to teach the Blue Birds babies class during H2O, I had the opportunity to get to know Mattaow. Mattaow is a very sweet boy and absolutely loved my sunglasses (he dropped one of his toys so I went to go grab it and hand it back to him.. when all of a sudden my sunglasses hit the ground. Somehow Mattaow managed to stretch while being buckled into the toy and grab my sunglasses. He instantly put them on his face. While I was turning back around to hand him his toy he had the biggest grin on his face and I immediately realized they were my sunglasses and just had to capture the moment!) Proverbs 139 – “You are a child of God, You are wonderfully made, dearly loved, and precious in his sight. Before God made you, he knew you… there is no one else like you.”