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Cambodia Saving Susan Mission Trip Update 2

We are happy to report that days number three and four have been very productive for the August Sanctuary/Saving Susan Ministry team!  Monday morning we left Phnom Penh and headed for Kampong Thom Province, where Bileg Orphanage and Solid Rock Christian School are located.  Upon arrival we had a joyous reunion with the 18 orphans who are “Parent Partnered” by Saving Susan Ministry—some of whom met their parent partners in person for the very first time.  The team got a tour of the entire complex, which includes the orphanage and school, as well as Solid Rock Baptist Church and Solid Rock hospital.  Dr. Felipe Castro has developed all four institutions over the course of a quarter-century…as the result of a vision God gave him in 1993, and the ongoing provision for it.  Dr. Jack Baskin befriended Dr. Castro and much of the work Western Hills Baptist Church has done in Cambodia stemmed from their shared belief in bringing the truth of Christ to this 95% Buddhist country.

Tuesday we participated in a baseball camp which included a total of 40 budding players of all ages (with several Bileg orphans in the mix!).  Cambodian government officials have executed a plan to bring the sport of baseball to the country.  Christian organizations like Saving Susan Ministry are partnering in the effort, with the express understanding that baseball can be used as a forum to share the gospel.  The baseball clinic today was opened and closed in prayer, and at the end of several exciting innings a gospel presentation and invitation to accept Christ was conducted by David Delk of Sanctuary Church.

In the afternoon we enjoyed fellowship and fun with the orphans of Bileg, building important relationships in the  process.  The day was capped off by a delicious meal prepared by team member Chris Gatti with the help of Bileg staffers.  Chris prepared dinner for over 60 people, using giant woks heated over burning wood.

Wednesday we will participate in graduation ceremonies in the morning at Solid Rock Christian School, including three Saving Susan Ministry-supported seniors who will headed to college in the fall.  David Delk will deliver the keynote address at the ceremony, encouraging all the graduates to continue as ambassadors of Christ in all they do from tomorrow forward.

Please continue to keep our team in your prayers, specifically that what we are doing will be a powerful witness for our Lord Jesus and that we can be obedient to the command to spread His word at every turn.

-Stu Gordon