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1 & 2 Peter

July 31, 2022: 2 Peter 3

By 1 & 2 Peter No Comments

Read 2 Peter 3.

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

5. How would you describe the transformation of the Peter we meet in the Gospels, to the Peter we meet in his letters?

6. How does his journey of transformation encourage you? 

7. If you were preparing to write a final letter to our church, and the churches on Due West Road, what would you be sure to include? 

Reflect on verses 1-7 and answer the following questions:

8. What’s Peter saying to the Church?

9. How is the Church to respond to Peter’s words? 

10. How have you seen wrong doctrine seep into the Church, or into lives  of Jesus followers? 

11. How is this reminder similar to the reminder Jesus gave His followers regarding persecution as noted in Matthew 5.11-12 

Reflect on verses 8-9 and answer the following questions:

12. Peter doesn’t give us dates of Christ’s return, because he doesn’t know the date, how do these verses encourage you to be faithful in the unknowns of Christ’s return and the unknowns of life? 

13. With whom is God patient? 

14. For what purpose is He patient? 

15. How does His patience call you to be patient with others? 

Reflect on the verses 10-18 and answer the following questions: 

14. How does Peter call us to be patient while we wait for Christ’s return? Be specific. 

15. In what ways do you sense “growth in the grace of knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ”?

16. What is one area of impatience in your life where a friend may be able to join you?

17. How were you encouraged by the testimony of Steve Hyde? 

18. In this study of 1 & 2 Peter, how have you experienced a growing awareness of God’s grace and peace in abundance? 

Spend some time giving God praise.

“To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”

2 Peter 3.18

July 24, 2022: 2 Peter 2

By 1 & 2 Peter No Comments

Read 2 Peter 2.

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Reflect on the verses at the beginning of the text, verses 1-2 and answer the following questions:

5. What’s the primary purpose of Peter’s direction here? 

6. What’s the difference between a false prophet and a false teacher? 

7. What does it mean to “deny the Sovereign Lord?” 

To deny Jesus Christ is to deny His incarnation, that He left heaven and came to this earth. To deny Jesus Christ is to deny His salvation, that He lived the perfect life that we could never live, and then paid the atoning death. To deny Jesus Christ is to deny His substitution, that He bore our sins, that He took our punishment. To deny Jesus Christ is to deny His resurrection, that He conquered death and He promises to us eternal life. And to deny Jesus Christ is to deny His ascension, that He’s actually seated at the right hand of God and is worthy of our praise and worship. In a nutshell — to deny Jesus is to deny Christianity — to deny Christianity is to deny Jesus.

9. How important is “right doctrine” in our world?

10. How have you seen wrong doctrine seep into the Church, or into lives  of Jesus followers? 

11. How do you resist the temptation of falling into false teaching? 

Reflect on the words of Jesus as recorded Matthew 23.1-15, Matthew 7.16-20 and answer the following questions:

12. How does the passion of Jesus encourage, inspire, and convict? 

13. Specifically, what does Jesus mean when He uses the word “fruit”? 

Reflect on verses 2 Peter 2 10-14, 18-19, and answer the following questions: 

14. Why does Peter gives so much attention to the details of the “fruit” of these false teachers? 

15. How do you examine the fruit of teachers?

16. How do you self-examine? 

Reflect on verses 2 Peter 2.4-10, and answer the following questions: 

17. What do these verses say about Divine Justice and Divine Judgement? 

Jesus holds our belief and our behavior together. Reflect on the following verses and answer the following questions:

  •  “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14.15)
  • “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.” (Matt. 7.24)
  • By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13.35)

18. How is your theology not merely stated, but lived? 

19. Where are their gaps between your orthodoxy, and orthopraxy? 

20. How do you sense God leading you in living a fully  congruent life?

21. Who is joining you on this journey of healing, wholeness and holiness? 

22. How do you find yourself joining others on their journey?  

Spend time standing in God’s presence on behalf of our neighbors and neighborhood. 

July 17, 2022: 2 Peter 1

By 1 & 2 Peter No Comments

Read 2 Peter 1.

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Reflect on the verses at the beginning of the text, verses 1-2 and answer the following questions:

5. Why does Peter include his credentials?

6. How “precious” is your faith?

7. Where are you currently experiencing grace and peace in abundance?

8. Where are you extending grace and peace to someone else?

Reflect on the (mind blowing) verses 3-4 and answer the following questions:

9. What does it mean to receive His “divine nature”?

10. How do these verses compliment Psalm 23.1?

11. When are you most tempted to believe you are lacking, or are not complete, or don’t have everything you need?

12. Read Ephesians 1.18-23. What’s the essence of these verses?

13. How is His power displayed in your ordinary, everyday life?

14. What are some of your favorite promises of Jesus?

15. How have you experienced the reality of His promises?

16. Where are you waiting for His promises to be revealed?

Reflect on verse 5-11 and answer the following questions:

17. What is Peter advocating for here?

18. Where are you currently learning to “live into” the divine nature that has been given to you?

19. How can those around you join you in that journey?

Reflect on verse 17-18 and answer the following questions:

20. Why is it this phrase Peter repeats to the churches?

21. How does his testimony encourage you?

22. What does it look like for you to rest in your belovedness?

23. What passages bring you comfort during anxious times or times of need?

Spend time standing in God’s presence on behalf of our neighbors and neighborhood. 

July 10, 2022: 1 Peter 5

By 1 & 2 Peter No Comments

1 Peter 5:1 “I appeal as a fellow elder”. Peter could have stated a higher position for himself (first among equals, Jesus’ choice to build the church, etc.), but instead he established himself as an equal.

1.What does this tell you about the character of Peter as well as the desire to be sincere and connect with these elders?

Peter list several actions for elders in 1 Peter 5:2-3:

  • Shepherd God’s flock
  • Watch over them
  • Do this with a willing attitude
  • Be eager to serve
  • Be an example to the flock

2. Of these actions, which do most identify with as a leader at work or at home?
3. What motivates you to conduct yourself according to these requirements from

Think for a few minutes and try to visualize what the crown of glory will look like.

4. Describe your thoughts. Please share why you think it will look as you visualize it.

5. What are some ways we followers can submit ourselves to our Elders?

Elder refers to maturity.

6. Is there an age or “maturity” you equate with being an Elder?

1 Peter 5:5 tells us to “clothe yourself with humility towards one another”.

7. How do we do this?

8. How does Psalm 139 :23-24 speak to you about being humble?

I really feel as though Peter gets very personal in vs 7. “Cast all your anxiety on
Him because He cares for you.” Knowing the persecution of Christians that was
starting to occur as well as the hostility toward Christians from people of other
religions (Alexandria the metal worker and the worshipers of the goddess Artemis
Acts 19:23-41), the readers of this letter must have been comforted by his words.

9. What passages bring you comfort during anxious times or times of need?

Our enemy has many descriptions. Peter describes him as “prowling around like a
lion looking for someone to devour”. Paul describes him as “masquerading as an
angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14). Job 1:7 says he was “roaming throughout the earth,
going back and forth on it” Satan is our enemy.

10. What assurances do we have that God will protect us from him?