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Atlanta Dream Center

Atlanta Dream Center Update Day 3

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips, Uncategorized

We just wanted to check in with y’all and let you know about our time here at the Dream Center. In the morning, we went to Columbus (Georgia not Ohio, just to clarify) and we had a HGTV demo day at the local church there. Some of us cleaned out each and every room, others shuttled trash to and from the dump, and others organized files and books. Afterwards we headed back to the Dream Center and spent the hour and a half drive singing songs and conforming our team to like country music (where the green grass grows @troy). Once we returned, we started a precious time together called Words of Life where we poured into each of our team members by reading scripture over them and encouraging them. Soon after, we began Princess Night. Those of us who are too young to come with, played a huge role in sending us off with prayers. Others brought roses and cards to hand out to primarily women but also a few men along the streets of Atlanta. We wanted to encourage them by reminding them of their beauty and God’s love for them. We stood in a posture of prayer, letting the spirit wash over us for the time being. We returned to the Dream Center and joined the others and debriefed about our night and took time to just be in each other’s company. By that time, it was to hit the sack and prepare to the day ahead of us. We thank you for continuing to pray over us while we are just down the street but in a completely different world. We love and miss you big time.

Atlanta Dream Center Update Day 2

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips
This is Leah and Imoen. Here’s a quick update on how our week is going and what we’ve done today. We started this morning off with worship and orientation, then went straight into street ministry. During street ministry we handed out waters and prayed for individuals in Atlanta. This afternoons ministry was Metro Kidz! We hung out with at risk kids, in a apartment community, and taught them about fearlessness in God. This evening we were educated on the ministries of Out Of Darkness.
We have an early morning tomorrow… Keep praying for us!

Atlanta Dream Center Update #4

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips

Hey parents,

Sorry our updates are coming out to you pretty late, but our days are FULL!  Check out a new update below!

Hey it’s Annamarie and Sarah! Today we started off with amazing worship with the worship team. Then we did a group activity called special words of life. We got to know a little more about each other and our selves…. ask your girl about it when she gets home! For our afternoon outreach we went to an apartment complex on the most diverse mile in the country. We got to ask the children to come and hang out with us and had a lot of fun in the bounce house and many other activities. Although there were language and culture differences we were able to connect to not only the children but also the parents. We also had the opportunity to go out for Compassion night. This is where we are able to provide food and clothing to the homeless people of Atlanta. We also got to listen to their stories and understand what they are going though. Being able to love on the hurting and pray for them unified our team. We were able to talk about our experiences and share how we were impacted and feeling after a full day of serving. We are so grateful for this amazing opportunity and we can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for the rest of the week! We love you all and appreciate all of your prayers!!!

Atlanta Dream Center Update #3

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips

Sarah Haney & Jenna here reporting to you live from ADC day 2!! Today we realized that God’s Love & word doesn’t only have to be spread to those who are sexually exploited, those without homes, & children who live in low income areas, but His love can be spread to people just like me & you. We walked around the heart of downtown handing out waters, and asking for prayer. It was surprising to see the contrast between the acceptance and rejection of our works throughout this outreach. After this wonderful experience, our team had fun with MeTrO KiDz!! These kiddos were so so sweet, and seemed to really enjoy playing with us. (We both painted some ~interesting~ pictures on kids’ faces. LOL) Then, our knight in shining armor appeared to us around dinner time: Craig Bowler with Antico’s pizza- what a sight for sore eyes. We had fun eating, laughing, dancing, and singing together in the park on a gorgeous day. We ended the night with Words of Life (you’ll hear about it from your girl) and it was TeAr JeArKiNg, but great words of encouragement.
Thanks for all of your prayers, and God is doing great things this week.

Ps- MOM & DAD I miss y’all, give Charlie a big ole kiss for me 😉 xo Sar
PPS- hi mom, can’t wait to see u soon:) and hi Jadin and AGB. I. MISS. YOU. 💖 -Jenna