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Bolivia Trip Update #2

By Bolivia, Mission Trips
Sunday we had a wonderful worship service at the Learning Center property led by Toni’s father, Wes.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, the women traveled around serving our Lord through VBS, worship & prayer, touching many hearts as they went. The men, meanwhile, joined our Bolivian brothers working on the Pastor’s home and the property.
Thursday, we started our bittersweet goodbyes as we left Chochis for the last time this trip.  After a brief fellowship and lunch in San Jose, we will be headed to Santa Cruz.
We have been richly blessed with health, safety, and productivity thus far….not to mention the beautiful weather!
It has been an amazing experience to, once again, join our Bolivian mission team and to love, pray, laugh, worship and fellowship without borders!
God is so good and gracious!…looking forward to returning to Sanctuary as we grow in Him.
Love In Him…
Because He Lives and Loves…
Scott Luce


By Bolivia, Mission Trips, Uncategorized

Team Bolivia has arrived…
…we are “boots on the ground” in Santa Cruz…
…praising God for His travel mercies!.
…celebrating a family reunion with our Bolivian brothers and sisters…
…headed to Chochis this morning…
…looking forward to all He has planned for us!

Here I am Lord, Send Me

By Atlanta Dream Center, Blue Skies, Bolivia, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Mission Trips, Peru, Romania

Our teams are currently in the process of forming and preparing to go! We ask that you would join us in prayer for these teams as they are sent out to proclaim good news of Christ alongside some of our outreach partners! Below are our mission trip dates… check back here as updates are sent!

Peru: May 28th- June 6th

Blue Skies: June 2nd – 9th 

Atlanta Dream Center: June 4th- 10th

Dominican Republic: September 22nd- 29th 

Ethiopia: June 16th- 23rd

Cambodia: July 12th-21st; August 11th-18th

Bolivia: August 31st- September 8th