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Cambodia Update #2

By Cambodia, Mission Trips, Uncategorized

Good morning from Cambodia! On Sunday we had the opportunity to go to a different church than the other half of our team. After the service, we participated with our local partners to bathe 20+ children who live at a nearby dump. While it was a blessing to be present for one Sunday, it was evident that God was pouring through the teenagers who work with Paster Paul, and come back each week to look after and care for these children. Afterward, a few of us got to braid the kid’s hair, and we could see the joy beaming from the girls and women from their desire for physical touch and love.

On Monday, we met with Pastor Sihok to visit a church and school that he established at a local dump site. The people who live near the dump sort recycling for money. We arrived at a small building filled with kids and a few adults. Pastor Sihok began with a few interactive songs and a short message. The kids enjoyed watching us Americans squat down and spin around while we lip sang through the Khumai lyrics. Finally, our drama skills were tested with our “multimedia” production of Zaccheus. Most of the audience cackled with laughter as Zaccheus leaped onto our human tree. Later we split into three groups for VBS: coloring, games, and snacks. I’ve never seen so many pure smiles as we did while we were here. The presence of God filled this place.

Later that afternoon we joined Pastor Sihok to visit his other church in the countryside. It’s located about 45 minutes outside of Phnom Penh. Here we had an additional showing of our Zaccheus skit, and again we split up into three groups for VBS. Although there is a difficult language barrier, we had fun communicating through animal drawings and noises. The kids played soccer, jump rope, and Bible verse Jenga. Finally, we came together where the kids learned that God calls each of them by name.

In the evening, we met Pov, a friend of past trips to Cambodia, for dinner, where we engaged in fellowship over traditional Cambodian food. Pov is currently in his second year of medical school and he was eager to share his excitement to cut open a Cadaver. We were able to pray over Pov and he would appreciate continuous prayers while he is studying to become a doctor.

God continues to move in and through our team. Please continue to pray that God would protect and guide us as we seek to glorify Him!

Jadyn & Kiana Sethna

Cambodia Update #1

By Cambodia, Mission Trips

Hey everyone!!! The past two days have been so awesome! Yesterday we were able to learn new songs and dances from the kids that made us feel like we were back in kindergarten in the best possible way. We acted silly and as Matt Hambrick likes to say “if you’re not embarrassed you’re doing it wrong”. We worked with pastor Paul, his son, and friends to minister to two groups of kids; one in a neighborhood-like area, and one by a set of train tracks. The kids were so on fire for Jesus and their faces lit up with every song sung and every story told. They loved getting to see us silly Americans try and speak Khmer and when the Matts faced off to see who was “prettier”. It’s crazy to believe that there really are children living and playing in slums along train tracks while in the shadow of high-rise buildings, but it is real, and it is heartbreaking.
This morning (while you were sleeping), we got to split up and go to a total of four church services where we were blessed to see the people of Cambodia worshiping God in their own ways. Even when you cannot understand what is being said, it’s so cool to see the reactions of the congregation when the Word is shared. We also got to see the cutest little kids put on several performances for us, we watched with smiles plastered on our faces.
Our team is already so bonded, even though half of us have been in Southeast Asia for a month already. We have had a blast joking about looks, cheese, and Canadian accents. Jokes aside, we’ve also been intent on encouraging one another both as we serve here and in our walks with Jesus. We can’t wait to see how else the Lord works this week, much love from Cambodia!!!
– Tara and Madelyn



By Cambodia, Mission Trips, Uncategorized

Our team of 8 Sanctuary members is headed to Cambodia. They will have the opportunity to minister alongside and encourage our ministry partners. The team will be visiting orphanages, hosting VBS, participating in street evangelism, and serving our missionaries. Please pray for safe travels and for God’s light and love to change each heart for His glory.


Here I am Lord, Send Me

By Atlanta Dream Center, Blue Skies, Bolivia, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Mission Trips, Peru, Romania

Our teams are currently in the process of forming and preparing to go! We ask that you would join us in prayer for these teams as they are sent out to proclaim good news of Christ alongside some of our outreach partners! Below are our mission trip dates… check back here as updates are sent!

Peru: May 28th- June 6th

Blue Skies: June 2nd – 9th 

Atlanta Dream Center: June 4th- 10th

Dominican Republic: September 22nd- 29th 

Ethiopia: June 16th- 23rd

Cambodia: July 12th-21st; August 11th-18th

Bolivia: August 31st- September 8th