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Dominican Republic

DR Mission Trip Update Day 4

By Dominican Republic, Mission Trips
We spent the biggest part of the day working in the church. We made display boards on which quotes from the Bible will be painted. We worked in a clothing pantry where clothing is offered to the community, of course Megan had to model some of the clothing.
Then we took a field trip to the market to pickup food for the team.
Last stop of the day was a visit to a ladies home where we will be installing a water purification system tomorrow.
I’ve found the best way to navigate traffic in the DR is with your eyes closed.

DR Mission Trip Update Day 3

By Dominican Republic, Mission Trips
It was a full day!  We visited a village in Boca Chica, taught the gospel message to the crowd that gathered at the home of Alexandra a believer. Brian taught a lesson on sin and how Jesus takes it away. We then traveled to a small school where Jacob and Fonda taught the story of David and Goliath.
After that we visited a hospital for handicapped orphans and installed a clean drinking water system, and simply shared the love of God.
We capped the day with a fish fry dinner on the beach and a devotional. What a day!
We are very tired and yet excited to see what tomorrow holds.

DR Mission Trip Update Day 1 & 2

By Dominican Republic, Mission Trips
At the airport and team dinner upon arrival in Santo Domingo.
First full day in Santo Domingo, Sunday.
Hank brought the message at service, Fonda and Jacob taught children and the rest of the team served at a clothing pantry for the community around the church.
So exciting to be here and share in the ministry with Camilo and Karla, our ministry partners.

Here I am Lord, Send Me

By Atlanta Dream Center, Blue Skies, Bolivia, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Mission Trips, Peru, Romania

Our teams are currently in the process of forming and preparing to go! We ask that you would join us in prayer for these teams as they are sent out to proclaim good news of Christ alongside some of our outreach partners! Below are our mission trip dates… check back here as updates are sent!

Peru: May 28th- June 6th

Blue Skies: June 2nd – 9th 

Atlanta Dream Center: June 4th- 10th

Dominican Republic: September 22nd- 29th 

Ethiopia: June 16th- 23rd

Cambodia: July 12th-21st; August 11th-18th

Bolivia: August 31st- September 8th