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Night of Worship

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Sanctuary will have a Night Of Worship on Thursday, September 11th starting at 7pm. We will not have childcare available, but we encourage you to bring your children and stay as long as your family is able. Invite anyone who would like to come and be in the presence of the only One who deserves all praise and honor!

We’ll worship God Almighty in song, scripture, communion, and in a time of prayer for our brothers and sister around the world who are enduring persecution. They are giving honor and glory to Jesus in their witness for Him.

Come with an expectancy to meet with Jesus face to face. May His Spirit fall on us this night, and spill over into everything that we do in our everyday lives.

from Events in The Plaza for Sanctuary

Starting Point

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We are excited to launch another study option for both men and women on Wednesday nights, beginning August 13th, at 7pm.

“Starting Point” is a 10-week study of the exploration of the Bible’s grand story and where you fit in. Whether you are new to the Christian faith, simply curious about it, or reexamining what it means to have a relationship with God, Starting Point is a conversational environment where you can explore your faith and experience community.

Additional Wednesday studies are available for Women and Men. Follow the links to learn more!

We also invite you to join us for dinner each week at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is $3/person.

Cost for this study is $10. Please RSVP “Yes” above if you plan on attending.

from Events in The Plaza for Sanctuary

Starting Point

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We are excited to launch another study option for both men and women on Wednesday nights, beginning August 13th, at 7pm.

“Starting Point” is a 10-week study of the exploration of the Bible’s grand story and where you fit in. Whether you are new to the Christian faith, simply curious about it, or reexamining what it means to have a relationship with God, Starting Point is a conversational environment where you can explore your faith and experience community.

Additional Wednesday studies are available for Women and Men. Follow the links to learn more!

We also invite you to join us for dinner each week at 6:00 p.m. Dinner is $3/person.

Cost for this study is $10. Please RSVP “Yes” above if you plan on attending.

from Events in The Plaza for Sanctuary

First Steps

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First Steps is a comfortable place for you to learn more about Sanctuary. At First Steps we’ll share a little about our story, who we are, and why we exist as a church. We’ll celebrate your desire to follow the Spirit’s leading in your life and learn how we can join you on the journey of transformation. Join us on August 24th, following our 11:30 gathering in the Western Hills Chapel. Lunch will be provided.

Childcare will be provided. Please RSVP “Yes” if you plan on attending, and indicate the number of children in the comments box.

from Events in The Plaza for Sanctuary