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November 20, 2022: Hebrews 13

By Hebrews No Comments

Read Hebrews 13. 

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Read Hebrews 13.17-19 and answer the following questions: 

5. When you read this text, who comes to mind? What is about their life that matches these words? 

6. To whom do you submit? Whose authority do you reject? What’s the Biblical role of the elders and pastors at Sanctuary? 

7. Note the specific request for prayer. How does the writer communicate his need for prayer? How does this example inspire you in inviting others to pray with you and for you? 

Read Hebrews 13.20-21 and answer the following questions: 

8. Scripture calls God, the “God of peace.” What’s the primary lens through which you view God?

9. In your own words define God’s peace.

10. Jesus said, “My peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives.” How do you see Jesus living in peace? How is His peace different than worldly peace? 

11. How is God “equipping” you to carry out His will on earth today as it is in heaven? Be specific. Where do you long for deeper shepherding and equipping? 

Read Hebrews 13.22-25 and answer the following questions: 

12. What is the primary purpose of these last verses? 

13. How is God speaking to you through these verses? 

Spend some time basking in God’s grace, and in His peace. Give Him praise for His prevailing love. 

November 13, 2022: Hebrews 13

By Hebrews No Comments

Read Hebrews 13. 

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Read Hebrews 13.1-7 and answer the following questions:

5. Note each of the seven exhortations in the text. 

6. Which exhortation resonates most deeply in you? 

7. Consider Jesus, how do you see these exhortations being lived out in His life? How did Jesus affirm these exhortations? 

8. In studying each exhortation, note how you are living into each. Be specific. 

Read Hebrews 13.8 and answer the following questions: 

9. In your own words define this truth.

10. How does this truth encourage you?  

11. How have you grown and changed in the last year to know God more deeply and intimately? 

12. What is the most profound outcome in your ordinary, everyday life?

13. As you’ve grown in your relationship with Jesus how have you see Him more clearly in the lives of others? 

14. What one area of your life would you like to see real meaningful growth? 

Spend a few moments praising God for His love that never changes! 

November 6, 2022: Hebrews 13

By Hebrews No Comments

Read Hebrews 13. 

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Read Hebrews 13.11-14 and answer the following questions:    

5. What is the overall significance of this section of Scripture? 

6. What’s the invitation you hear in this section of Scripture? 

7. How does this text affirm the death of Jesus as atonement for sin?

Read Exodus 33.7-11 and answer the following questions: 

8. What’s the historical significance of this text for the first readers of the letter to the Hebrews? 

9. What’s the purpose for the “tent of meeting?”

10. How does the example of Moses impact those around him?  

11. Where is your “tent of meeting?” How often do you enter it? Describe the nature of your meeting. 

12. What’s the difference in meeting with Jesus in church, or small group, or one-on-one?

Read John 15.1-15 and answer the following questions: 

13. How does these words of Jesus encourage you? 

14. Where do you find yourself in this text? 

15. How do would you characterize your “friendship” with Jesus? 

How do you go to Him, outside the camp? Describe. 

16. What might life look like if you were willing to go to Him, outside the camp? 

17. Whom might you find with Jesus outside the camp? 

Read and reflect on Hebrews 13.15-16.

Bring Him the sacrifice of praise for His prevailing love

October 30, 2022: Hebrews 12

By Hebrews No Comments

Read Hebrews 12. 

1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?

2. What does it say about God’s nature?

3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?

4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you? 

Read Hebrews 12.25-29; Revelation 3.19-20 and answer the following questions:   

5. What is the warning noted in these verses and the consequence of not heeding the author’s warning? 

6. How do these passage of Scripture complement each other? 

7. Describe a season in your life where you indifferent, or lukewarm to the things of God? What was the outcome of that season?

Read Hebrews 12.4-13 and answer the following questions:  

8. How do you view God’s discipline? How have you experienced His discipline? Would He be loving if He chose not to discipline? 

9. What is the outcome of His discipline? 

Read Hebrews 12.14, and 10.14 and answer the following questions: 

10. In your own words define holiness.   

11. Who in your sphere of influence lives a life of holiness? What specific fruit of the Spirit or character traits does this person exhibit?

Read Hebrews 12.1-3 and answer the following questions:   

12. Who are the people in your cloud of witnesses?

13. What was it about that person that made such an impact on you?

14. What is the legacy that you hope to leave behind for those who come after you?

15. Is the life you’re living now in line with the legacy you hope to leave behind?

Read and reflect on the words of Casey Culbreth

The cloud of witnesses is this joyous, exuberant crowd of spectators; they are the faithful who have gone before us, who are now witnessing our race of faith, and are compassionately cheering us on. They are our fathers and mothers in the faith who are calling to us from their place of victory, encouraging us to keep moving forward and to keep trusting God, even on desert days when our throats are dry and our feet are weary. 

The writer says, “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles.” 

16. Is is possible that something could be in the way of your life in Christ that is not necessarily sin? If so, how would you know what it is? 

17. What is your sin that so easily entangles?

18. How do you invite others to join you in your race? 

19. How do you “fix your eyes on Jesus?” 

Read and reflect on the words of J.D. Walt

Beholding the frailty of his humanity washing feet, bowing at the majesty of his divinity raising the dead, following closer, closer, closer until our eyes develop the capacity to see him in the hungry and the stranger and the prisoner and the homeless. . . . . and until our lives begin to take on the Holy Spirit infused skill of imitating him, improvising on his ways, taking on his mindset, losing ourselves in his mercy and finding our lives through his faith. He is the pioneer, the perfecter. He will do it.

Take some time to “consider Him.”

 Give Him praise for His prevailing love.