Read Hebrews 13.
1. What does this text tell you about the character of God?
2. What does it say about God’s nature?
3. Where do you see God’s love at work in the midst of these verses?
4. What section or verses in the text speak most personally to you?
Read Hebrews 13.17-19 and answer the following questions:
5. When you read this text, who comes to mind? What is about their life that matches these words?
6. To whom do you submit? Whose authority do you reject? What’s the Biblical role of the elders and pastors at Sanctuary?
7. Note the specific request for prayer. How does the writer communicate his need for prayer? How does this example inspire you in inviting others to pray with you and for you?
Read Hebrews 13.20-21 and answer the following questions:
8. Scripture calls God, the “God of peace.” What’s the primary lens through which you view God?
9. In your own words define God’s peace.
10. Jesus said, “My peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives.” How do you see Jesus living in peace? How is His peace different than worldly peace?
11. How is God “equipping” you to carry out His will on earth today as it is in heaven? Be specific. Where do you long for deeper shepherding and equipping?
Read Hebrews 13.22-25 and answer the following questions:
12. What is the primary purpose of these last verses?
13. How is God speaking to you through these verses?
Spend some time basking in God’s grace, and in His peace. Give Him praise for His prevailing love.