I thank God for the innocence of my children. They have not reached the age of disappointment. They have no fear of rejection. They carry no burden of shame or the weight of pressure. They simply soar with eagles.
Today will be a day I will never forget. I have already begun the Ebenezer.
In the blazing afternoon sun, we stood among the great multitudes. Hoping to catch a glimpse of the One who may be Messiah.
The processional slowed and then stopped. I grasped my two daughters tightly as the desperate and the broken pushed themselves toward Him.
One of my girls broke free and also ran towards Him.
“Sarah! Sarah!” I shouted.
She was halted by one from His company. I pushed forward to grab hold of her as Messiah moved towards His disciple, allowing Sarah to wriggle free.
“Sarah!” I called again.
Sarah turned back and waved for her sister, who in the commotion had also broken free of my hold and was running toward both Sarah and Messiah.
“Deborah! Sarah!”
Messiah knelt down, opening Himself fully, welcoming them in. First Sarah, and then Deborah, leapt into His chest. His robed arms fully embraced my daughters as if they were His very own, like a mother covering her young with feathers.
Messiah looked into the crowd and waved for other children to come toward Him. As He did with my daughters, He did with all of the others. Holding, and enfold- ing, one at a time. As if the one in front of Him was the only person in all the earth.
We walked home in the joyful company of many singing Psalm 91. Me, with bewilderment and wonder. My daughters, without a single care in the world.