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Mission Trips

Peru Team Update #1

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hey everyone! We’re here in Cusco, and we just finished our first day of VBS. We’re super excited to be here and we’ve already had so much fun. The flight here was amazing and we got to see the Andes mountain range, which was so beautiful. Once we got here, we all got to take a break and acclimate ourselves to the altitude. Then, we had some AMAZING chicken, rice, and vegetables for lunch. Shortly after lunch, the kids started arriving for VBS and we played with them for about an hour. After playing with them for a while, we started singing and dancing to worship songs, and then we performed a skit, message, and did a craft with all of them. After the kids left, our Peru team stayed at the church and played songs like Glorious Day and danced until we all got lightheaded (the lack of air y’know). We also saw a really really cute puppy but we couldn’t pet it 🙁 It is the first time for 3/4 of us in this group and we are loving it so far! We’re excited to see you guys soon, but just know we’re having an amazing time!

Don’t worry about us too much, we’re in great hands. 🙂

– Ashley, Patrick, Rachel, Hannah D.

P.S. Shoutout to my mom and dad!

Here I am Lord, Send Me

By Atlanta Dream Center, Blue Skies, Bolivia, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Ethiopia, Mission Trips, Peru, Romania

Our teams are currently in the process of forming and preparing to go! We ask that you would join us in prayer for these teams as they are sent out to proclaim good news of Christ alongside some of our outreach partners! Below are our mission trip dates… check back here as updates are sent!

Peru: May 28th- June 6th

Blue Skies: June 2nd – 9th 

Atlanta Dream Center: June 4th- 10th

Dominican Republic: September 22nd- 29th 

Ethiopia: June 16th- 23rd

Cambodia: July 12th-21st; August 11th-18th

Bolivia: August 31st- September 8th