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Mission Trips

Peru Team Update Day 1

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hey everyone!So we arrived in Cusco safely and everyone is pretty much exhausted from all the traveling. We rested for about 2 hours once we got to the hotel then headed down to the church for a wonderful homemade lunch. After that we waited for the Peru vs. Brazil game to start (it was the Americas cup finals). Sadly they lost but it was a very good game. The day ended with some dinner and beautiful time of worship and fellowship before we headed back to the hotel. We are all continuously chugging water and eating enough to keep our energy levels as up as possible. But after all that we are ready to head off to sleep to prepare for a full day of serving! Thank you all for the prayers and we will keep you posted at the end of each day. Love you all so much!
-Andrew Brooks

Cambodia Update from Tara Hambrick

By Cambodia, Mission Trips

I’ve been here for 5 days now and am finally starting to get settled in. The first few days were incredibly hard, more so than I could have imagined. I would wake up in the middle of the night and just cry while I talked to my parents on the phone. I was exhausted, jet lagged, and alone. I missed my family and the comfort of America so so badly. But then Monday came and I got to work in the hospital, and teach little kids English, and spend time with the coolest people from the Philippines, and do a devotion with the kids. And suddenly, I didn’t find myself crying anymore. I found myself having fun, being grateful for the opportunities that I know I wouldn’t get in America (I mean I get to run blood tests on my own, with no training). They days aren’t hard anymore and the nights aren’t lonely. I still miss my family and it would be nice to have the commodities if America but I don’t find myself dwelling on those thoughts. I just go out and have fun and love on the people here as best as I can. I’m not sure what the rest of the trip will look like, but I’m hoping I enjoy it as much as I’m enjoying myself now.

Atlanta Dream Center Update Day 3

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips, Uncategorized

We just wanted to check in with y’all and let you know about our time here at the Dream Center. In the morning, we went to Columbus (Georgia not Ohio, just to clarify) and we had a HGTV demo day at the local church there. Some of us cleaned out each and every room, others shuttled trash to and from the dump, and others organized files and books. Afterwards we headed back to the Dream Center and spent the hour and a half drive singing songs and conforming our team to like country music (where the green grass grows @troy). Once we returned, we started a precious time together called Words of Life where we poured into each of our team members by reading scripture over them and encouraging them. Soon after, we began Princess Night. Those of us who are too young to come with, played a huge role in sending us off with prayers. Others brought roses and cards to hand out to primarily women but also a few men along the streets of Atlanta. We wanted to encourage them by reminding them of their beauty and God’s love for them. We stood in a posture of prayer, letting the spirit wash over us for the time being. We returned to the Dream Center and joined the others and debriefed about our night and took time to just be in each other’s company. By that time, it was to hit the sack and prepare to the day ahead of us. We thank you for continuing to pray over us while we are just down the street but in a completely different world. We love and miss you big time.

Atlanta Dream Center Update Day 2

By Atlanta Dream Center, Mission Trips
This is Leah and Imoen. Here’s a quick update on how our week is going and what we’ve done today. We started this morning off with worship and orientation, then went straight into street ministry. During street ministry we handed out waters and prayed for individuals in Atlanta. This afternoons ministry was Metro Kidz! We hung out with at risk kids, in a apartment community, and taught them about fearlessness in God. This evening we were educated on the ministries of Out Of Darkness.
We have an early morning tomorrow… Keep praying for us!