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Peru Team Update Day 2

By Mission Trips, Peru

Heyyyyyy parents and loved ones,
This update is from vbs day 1 people which is Andrew, Kennedie, and Madelyn. Today was an amazing day! We started off by splitting into three different groups for morning ministries. I (madelyn) went to the market and had the opportunity to talk to many different people including one women with difficult health problems. We were able to pray and place our hands on her which was very powerful. It was a great way to focus and recenter with God. Today I ( Kennedie) got to do door to door evangelism.  I saw a wild horse in the street while I was talking to people in the streets. We got to pray over many people from many different backgrounds. It was so fulfilling. Later in the day, we hosted a VBS fiesta. The kids (along with the team :)) LOVED the bubbles, face paint, and dancing.  We had so much fun!!!!!! After we ate a very yummy dinner, we made our way to Cusco city central. It was beautiful! I (Kennedie) saw alpacas yay! Now we are back in the hotel sipping on coca tea and preparing for another amazing dayyyy. We want to apologize for misspellings or grammatical errors you are getting from high school graduates but we are pretty tired. 
P.s Andrew is sitting next to us with a disapproving face lol
With love,Vbs day 1 Madelyn, Kennedie, and Andrew

Peru Team Update Day 1

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hey everyone!So we arrived in Cusco safely and everyone is pretty much exhausted from all the traveling. We rested for about 2 hours once we got to the hotel then headed down to the church for a wonderful homemade lunch. After that we waited for the Peru vs. Brazil game to start (it was the Americas cup finals). Sadly they lost but it was a very good game. The day ended with some dinner and beautiful time of worship and fellowship before we headed back to the hotel. We are all continuously chugging water and eating enough to keep our energy levels as up as possible. But after all that we are ready to head off to sleep to prepare for a full day of serving! Thank you all for the prayers and we will keep you posted at the end of each day. Love you all so much!
-Andrew Brooks

Peru Team Update #6

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hola Mis Amigos!!!

We came…We saw…We Machu Picchu’d!!!

What an incredible day!!!  This morning started with a 4am wake up call and some unhappy students.  It’s almost as if waking up this early is unnatural for them…

We had a beautiful drive through the mountains and into the Sacred Valley.  We had a 2 hour bus ride to the train station.  Then we quickly jumped on the train and rode through the beautiful mountains to the city of Machu Picchu.  Then we hopped on another bus and took that to the main entrance of MP.  We split into two groups and got to tour the Incan city on top of the mountains.  It was a little rainy and overcast, but it was still beautiful.  After our tour, a group of us hiked higher up to the Sungate…pics to follow.

Our day ended with some much needed dinner at a pizza restaurant in the downtown area and then the long ride home.  It’s off to bed and then we will begin the journey home.  We can’t wait to share all that God has done!

Team Alpaca!

Peru Team Update #5

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hola Parentals!! Ruthie and HBeck Here!! Casually Living Our Best Lives!!!

Well, we have officially completed our time of ministry while in Peru. It has been an amazing 6 days. This morning we got up and had breakfast at 6 a.m because church started at 7. Talk about an early service!! We got to hear some authentic Peruvian worship and it was a memorable experience (interpret that as you choose lol). Our team then had a chance to lead worship with three songs: Death Was Arrested, Worthy of Your Name, and Confident. That was a super special time and it was cool to see different cultures come together and still worship the same God.

Andrew Lamb got to share his testimony and it was extremely powerful and moving (it could’ve moved the Andes Mountains-HBeck). Then Troy preached on the Armor of God and he learned very quickly that American humor does not exactly translate… oof (mega oof- Ruthie). but no, he indeed did kill it. They closed the service with an addition Peruvian worship song… oof.

After church, we had a three hour break at the hotel which was MUCH needed and was ended with some intense worship sessions in the hall.

Then we went back to the church to eat lunch and prepare for the last day of VBS. The theme for today was that God wants us to love Him and pursues us. It was our groups time to shine and lead VBS. Our group was me Hannah, me Ruthie, Nathan Petit, Jadin Marshall, and guest star Hunter Decarreau! We had an amazing time playing with the kids this week! Today for our lesson we taught about Saul’s Conversion to Paul and the amazing work Jesus did in his life. HBeck ended our lesson with a beautiful recap and message for the kiddies. Ruthie and Hunter explained the craft which was a bracelet. Jadin explained the game. Today was a total blessing and we are so sad that our trip is coming to an end 🙁

Tomorrow begins the adventure of Machu Pichu. We are so excited to get to experience one of the 7 wonders of the world. Hannah is excited to see it for the first time and Ruthie is ready to go a second time. Prayers are much appreciated as we embark on our journey which starts at 4 a.m. We love you all and are so ready to see everyone Wednesday morning! Sleep tight! Chao!

Ruthie, HBeck, Jadin, and Nathan signing off. Much love!!!