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Peru Team Update #4

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hola from Cusco,

Tonight is going to be a quick update…

We had an amazing day!  We woke and up and prepared for our final day of morning ministries.  We had a team at the orphanage, one at the church, a door to door team and a market team.  God did some amazing things through each of those teams!  The door to door team got to have an in-depth conversation about evolution for about an hour and a half and pray with a college student.  Our Market team got to lead a man to Christ that was very closed off to the gospel.  Our orphanage team got to bless the workers with a cake and spend time with the kids.  And the church team finished all the painting at the the church.

VBS was awesome!  Today was the day that the exhaustion set in, but our team rallied and gave an incredible presentation of the gospel.  So proud of our team!

Then we loaded the bus and headed to downtown to walk around and have dinner at a place called Don Antonio’s.  We had an incredible time as a time sharing a meal and dancing to some Peruvian music.

We have church at 7am...I bet you are thankful that Sanctuary is a little later.  We miss y’all…but we don’t miss the weather!

Keep praying with expectancy!

Troy Gambrell

Peru Team Update #3

By Mission Trips, Peru, Uncategorized

Hola Padres!!

It’s another beautiful day here in Cusco, Peru! We were just approached by Lily asking us to tell Mrs. Shipp that she loves her, so there ya go! Today a group of people had the amazing opportunity to serve at a local orphanage while others went door to door, participated in market evangelism, and painted the church!

Hey guys its Cammy!! At the orphanage today I was able to meet so many little kids and was able to see their day to day activities. After that, a few of us got to help paint the furniture in the house. The little kiddos were so cute and it was amazing to be able to see God at work there! After visiting the orphanage, the three of us got to lead VBS! Our theme for the day was “Jesus loves us, so we can love others”. We focused on Mark 2 and how Jesus healed the paralyzed man. I was able to become Jesus for a hot second and healed a paralyzed Ashley. Who knew my Jesus costume would double as my prom dress #prom2k19???? I also got to explain our craft for the day to our new friends!!

Sah dudes its Andrew L. While I was at the orphanage, Gabe and I had the pleasure to bust our backs while cultivating the land for their crops. I was given this plot of land about 10×10 square feet. I removed all of the grass and other roots/ rocks for them to plant alfalfa to feed the rabbits. It was an honor to bless the people in the orphanage. While meeting everyone, it was amazing to see how God is present there. At VBS I got to carry a broken Ashley to be healed by Jesus (aka Cammy). After the skit, I got to lead the lesson about loving others the way God loves us.

Hola its AGB!!! Today I had the chance to go door to door and share the word of God. Patrick, Ruthie, KK, and I were able to bless three women sorting potatoes. We were able to help them sort and hopefully lighten their work load. I was able to share my testimony, Patrick was able to pour into them, and Ruthie was able to pray over them. I was also informed that in Peru, all Asian people are considered Chinese. If you are from Japan, they would say you are from China. Weird right? We walked around then back down the street to find people preparing vegetables for their meal. Ruthie and I were able to help peel vegetables called Abbas. It was amazing to get to talk to them and aid them. Then we jumped into VBS! I was able to read the passage from Mark 2. I acted as a narrator for the skit, and prayed over the kids.

We are so thankful for your prayers and support throughout our trip! We ask that you continue to pray for health and rest for us so we are able to pour into the people of Peru. Gracias, Hasta Luego!!

With Love,

Cammy, Andrew L, & AGB













Peru Team Update #2

By Mission Trips, Peru

Dear parents,

Hi everyone! Did you know it’s not easy to sleep with fireworks and marching bands all night? Well we definitely do… at 6am. But that didn’t stop our mission though. We started the day with an amazing breakfast hosted at the hotel, and then broke into groups and spread around the community. Some of us went to the market to spread the love of God to the people here, while others stayed near the church and shared His love there. Another group spent the morning sanding and painting the church that we are working with, and it was obvious to the rest of us who those kids were. After that we had an amazing lunch made by the ladies at the church. Following that, we began our VBS Day 2! It was super exciting to see the joyful kids again with their smiling faces. The theme of today was Daniel and the Lions Den, and we had a skit that was acted out by some of our team (and a couple of the kids here too). They made a craft of a lion mask, which the kids enjoyed thoroughly. After dinner the team headed to downtown Cusco for some good old fashion McDonald’s! We walked around and saw the beautiful sights of the cathedrals, as well as a couple of alpacas. All in all it was an amazing day filled with lots of laughter, love, and great memories. (Oh, and a lot of Jesus too)!

Lots of love to all of you, (especially the mammas that are worrying)

  • Andrew, Lily, Sarah Grace and Savannah

Peru Team Update #1

By Mission Trips, Peru

Hey everyone! We’re here in Cusco, and we just finished our first day of VBS. We’re super excited to be here and we’ve already had so much fun. The flight here was amazing and we got to see the Andes mountain range, which was so beautiful. Once we got here, we all got to take a break and acclimate ourselves to the altitude. Then, we had some AMAZING chicken, rice, and vegetables for lunch. Shortly after lunch, the kids started arriving for VBS and we played with them for about an hour. After playing with them for a while, we started singing and dancing to worship songs, and then we performed a skit, message, and did a craft with all of them. After the kids left, our Peru team stayed at the church and played songs like Glorious Day and danced until we all got lightheaded (the lack of air y’know). We also saw a really really cute puppy but we couldn’t pet it 🙁 It is the first time for 3/4 of us in this group and we are loving it so far! We’re excited to see you guys soon, but just know we’re having an amazing time!

Don’t worry about us too much, we’re in great hands. 🙂

– Ashley, Patrick, Rachel, Hannah D.

P.S. Shoutout to my mom and dad!