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Prayer- A Holy Conversation

January 10, 2021: The Lord’s Prayer | Matthew 5

By Prayer- A Holy Conversation

Take the time to read the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7. Of all Jesus said in His sermon, what encourages you, what inspires you, what challenges you most deeply? 

Read Luke 11.1-10. Why do you think John asks them to teach him and the rest of the disciples how to pray? What does that say about how Jesus lived and loved? What does it say about His example? 

Why does Jesus pray? Throughout His life, until His last breath Jesus prays. What’s the purpose of prayer for Jesus? 

Why do you pray? What is the purpose of prayer for you? 

Read Matthew 6.5-13 again. What speaks to you most personally? 

Read and reflect on the following: “Prayer is a way we become present to the God who is always present.”

Jesus instructs His followers to pray in private, yet the prayer He teaches us to pray is very communal. What’s the purpose in praying this prayer, in your “closet”?

How is Jesus inviting you to see prayer privately, yet communally?

Our Father

Give us today

our daily bread

Forgive us our debts

Lead us not into temptation

Deliver us from the evil one.

Read Matthew 4.23-24. What is the Good News? What is the Kingdom of God? Is it here? Is it now? How are you living in it? How is the Kingdom living in you? 

Read Romans 14.17 How is the Kingdom of God livable reality for you today? 

Read John 11.41-43 and Matthew 26.36-46. Note the differences between the two prayers. Why is the prayer in the Garden so different than the prayer at Lazarus’ tomb? How do these prayers of Jesus minister to you? 

What is one area in your life where you are seeking to know God’s will?  What is one area in which you are learning to submit to God’s will? 

How does Jesus teach us to live in this day? 

What happens to our relationship with God when we sin? What’s the purpose of forgiveness? 

Read and reflect on the following: “In all cases when wrong is done there is a debt, and there is no way to deal with it without suffering: either you make the perpetrator suffer for it or you forgive and suffer for it yourself.” – Tim Keller

In your own words, define forgiveness. And define what forgiveness is not.

Read and reflect on the following: “You can forgive and not forget. In fact, I believe that NOT forgetting is the true blessing of forgiveness – I’m not sweeping it under the carpet, but forgiving you with the full knowledge and hurt from what you did. ‘Hey; it’s no big deal’ is not forgiveness, it’s avoidance.”  – Brian Saunders

Read Matthew 6.14-15. How important is forgiveness to Jesus? How important is it to you?

What does Jesus mean when He teaches us to pray, “Lead us not into temptation”? 

How dependent on Jesus are you today, this day, the most important day of your life? 

How could a friend join you in praying this prayer today?