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Special Events

Relational Leadership Opportunities July 24th

By Serving, Special Events No Comments

UPDATE: If you were unable to attend the relational leadership meeting on the 24th, please click here for the printed materials there were provided.

If you are interested in serving in a leadership capacity at Sanctuary, please join us Sunday evening July 24th from 6:00 – 8:00 at the church to learn more.  We will be sharing the overall vision for leaders at Sanctuary and there will be an opportunity to learn more about how you can serve in a leadership role in our children’s ministry, youth ministry, care ministry, serve ministry, men and woman’s ministry, campus ministry, adult small groups, and as an elder.  We strongly encourage anyone interested in serving at Sanctuary to join us!

Sanctuary News & Updates

By Family, Serving, Special Events, Students, Worship No Comments

Sanctuary “Green” and Sanctuary “Clean”; we’re proud of our vision for everyone in the church to serve God in some capacity. Do you like landscaping and cleaning?  Call your friends and see if they would be willing to serve with you. You can volunteer via the Sanctuary 3:17 Survey or contact

Online Giving; we now have the ability to accept tithes and offerings through our website., and click “Online Giving”.

Relational Leadership Opportunities; If you are interested in serving in a leadership capacity at Sanctuary, please join us Sunday evening July 24th from 6:00 – 8:00 at the church to learn more. We will be sharing the overall vision for leaders at Sanctuary and there will be an opportunity to learn more about how you can serve in a leadership role in our children’s ministry, youth ministry, adult small groups, and as an elder.
Sanctuary, mark your calendars! Our children’s ministry promotion will be Sunday August 14th! Our students & children move to the new classes. Interested in serving in our children’s ministry? Contact
Sanctuary Student Summer Bible Studies continue! MS Sundays 11:30, HS Thursdays 6:30pm, both @ church. HS prayer breakfast Tuesdays 8am. Spread the word!
NO MIDDLE SCHOOL BIBLE STUDY THIS SUNDAY JULY 3RD…enjoy a wonderful Independence Day weekend!