We’ve begun a 10-week study of the doctrine of our church. Our study will examine what we believe are the most central and essential doctrines of the Christian faith. In this second week we’ll study the Doctrine of God. Read our doctrine below and answer the questions that follow.
We believe there is one eternal God who is infinitely holy, co-existing equally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. He is a being of glorious magnificence, incomparable power, infinite goodness, and unfailing love.
1.Why is doctrine important to an individual believer and the community of believers?
2. As you read the statement on God, what resonates most deeply?
Read the following passages of Scripture, Psalm 118.1; Psalm 139; Psalm 145.1-9; Matthew 28.19; 2 Corinthians 13.14
3. A.W. Tozer asks, “When you think about God, what do you think about?” What do you think about when you think about God? Why is it important to have a right view of God?
4. In Psalm 139, David declares God’s omnipotence and omniscience. Which verses speak to these attributes of God? While our doctrine focuses on us knowing God, how does Psalm 139 focus on God knowing you? How do you sense God views you?
Read and reflect on Psalm 139.23-24. Give God full access to every part of you! Invite Him to lead you to the “way everlasting.”