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Day 12

By November 4, 2018SeedOffering

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) 

The sovereign plan of God is unfathomable. It’s a mystery to the human heart and mind. Yet God has an appropriate time and space for every activity. Too, “God has placed within the heart of every person a sense of something eternal and a desire to know the eternal significance of what we do.” (Delitzsch)

Because we cannot grasp all of God’s plan, we can become discontent in our work, for we cannot see the full benefit or consequences of what we do. There’s often little gratification, to our dismay. We are caught in between. Our choice is either to persevere in our discontent or to simply trust God to be the God of outcomes. Solomon proposes that the outcome of anything is too much for our capability, no matter our material or physical strength. Our hope is in God and God alone.

Ask God for the ability to let go of outcomes, trusting that His eternal plan is right and good.

Prayer Focus: Benevolence “White Bucket” Ministry

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