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Day 31

By November 23, 2018SeedOffering

Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. (Genesis 1:11)

At the beginning of creation, God created plants to be seed-bearing. They would be reproducible. No plant or fruit would ever be exactly the same, but each would be unique to its own inherent, God-infused nature. It’s not just nature that has the inherent nature of God, but humankind as well—including you.

God’s desire is to partner with you in bringing small seeds to a full harvest. That process takes time. Soul work is slow work. But from the beginning of time, God has been writing a Harvest Story. J. D. Walt says, “Awakening begins in a lifeless valley filled with dry bones. It comes to full fruition on the lush banks of a rushing river, bringing life wherever it goes. The story of awakening runs an epic course of deep sleep to an awe-inspiring movement of everlasting life. It winds along the way of the cross. It ends in the country of eternal possibility—nothing short of resurrection life.” And it was so. And it is so. Thank God for being the “author and perfecter of our faith.”

Prayer Focus: Men’s Ministry Sowers

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