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Day 6

By October 29, 2018SeedOffering

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13)

Paul is writing to encourage those who are strong in their faith to be considerate of others with different preferences of living. He is reminding believers that the Word of God is filled with hope to live on, and he is issuing a call to live in harmony with others.

Consider today a day to worship God in your believing, thinking, speaking, working, living, loving, and simply being. May words of praise to your Father result in an overflow of hope and peace in your day.

Pray this verse over your life, asking God to fill you with joy and peace as you grow in your trust in Him. Confess to God spaces in which you’re not trusting Him. Pray for a renewed trust in Him, trust that leads you to live in hope and in harmony with all those around you.

Prayer Focus: Cambodia

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