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Easter 2021: A Proclamation: Jesus’s Prayer from the Cross | Luke 23.34-26

By April 4, 2021April 5th, 2021Prayer- A Holy Conversation

Read John 11-12. What do you see about the character of God in this text? What do you see about the nature of God? What do you learn about the love of God?

Note the primary differences between Mary and Martha. Note their similarities.

How does the text characterize the relationship between Jesus and this family?

Read John 11.25-26. How does Martha respond to this statement? How does it change her? How do you respond to this statement of Jesus? How does it change you?

Jesus makes His first Messianic profession not to one of His disciples, but to Martha. What, if anything do you make of this profession?

What does Martha do when she hears this profession?

Read John 11.32-36. What do you learn about Jesus in this interaction? Why does Jesus weep? What was the response of those observing this scene?

How do our tears communicate love to those around us?

Jesus will again weep, this time He will weep over Jerusalem. Read Luke 19.42. Why is Jesus weeping?

Jesus raises Lazaurs from the dead. He then makes this statement, “Take off the grave clothes and let him go.” Jesus invites others to participate in the resurrection of Lazarus. Why is this significant?

Read John 12. Describe the posture of Lazarus at the party. Describe the posture of Mary. Describe the posture of Jesus.

There is a death warrant for Lazarus and yet we find him “reclining” at the table. How can Lazarus be so comfortable?

A few days later, Jesus is crucified. Write the prayers Jesus prays from the cross.

Jesus prays, “It is finished.” What is finished? What is not finished?

Read John 20. How do you see this text a fulfillment of Jesus’ earlier claim to Martha?

What does His resurrection mean to you? What has His resurrection accomplished?

Read Ephesians 2.1, 4-5, and Colossians 2.13-15. What is the implication of this text? Were you really dead? As dead as Lazarus dead?

How might God be inviting you to recline, at His table today?

Praise Him for His resurrection power that is alive in you.