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February 13, 2022: Overcoming the Barriers to Forgiving Others – Genesis 42.1-28; Matthew 18.21-22

By February 13, 2022February 16th, 2022Joseph: Story About Family

In thinking about Bible heroes, how high would you “rank” Joseph compared to others like Abraham, Moses, David, Peter, Paul, etc.

Joseph was wronged by three different groups or individuals:

  • His brothers
  • Potiphar’s wife
  • Pharaoh’s butler

If you had been the victim of the offenses committed by these three, which would be the hardest for you to forgive?

How do you think you would have reacted if you had been Joseph waiting for two full years to be released from prison after the butler forgot him?

Why do you think it took Joseph so long to get around to revealing his true identity to his brothers? Do you think it was wrong of him to wait?

Do you think you have to get rid of bitter feelings toward someone who has wronged you before you can forgive them?

Is there someone you are harboring bitterness toward? Can you honestly say you truly hope they will join you in heaven? What would it take for you to make the choice to forgive them?

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