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February 21, 2021: David’s Prayers of Lament | Psalm 13, 90, 143

Read Psalm 13. How would you categorize this kind of prayer? When have you prayed a similar prayer? What was the outcome of that season? 

What’s the difference between a prayer of complaint and a prayer of lament? 

There are over 50 prayers of lament in Scripture, including an entire book called Lamentations. Do a search of Scripture and spend some time reading other prayers of lament. 

Read Psalm 79:5-8. Like David, Asaph prays a prayer of lament asking, “How long, Lord?” What is it that David and Asaph are waiting for?

Describe a season where you waited on God. What did God do in you in that season of waiting? How did the waiting challenge you? How did the waiting mature you? Whom did you invite into your waiting? 

Read Psalm 6:6. David says he is, “worn out from my groaning.” What is he describing here? 

Read Psalm 22:1-2. David senses he has been forsaken by God. Jesus too prays these same words from the cross. Does God forsake His people? How do you resolve the words of David and Jesus?

Read Psalm 58:6-8 in the Message. When is this kind of prayer appropriate? How does this kind of prayer work? What is the ultimate purpose of this kind of prayer? 

Read and reflect on the following: “Is it possible that we do a disservice, do injustice, violate our integrity when we avoid prayers that need to be spoken – thoughts and words that need to be exposed to the light – simply because we think that’s not what a faithful Christian would say?”

Read Psalm 13:4. What or whom is the enemy David is referring to in the text? What enemy wants to overcome you? What’s your greatest enemy? In what ways does it desire to overcome you? 

“God is not your fixer.” How have you grown in your understanding of the purpose of prayer? How have you grown in your understanding of the Person of Jesus to know God is much more than your fixer? What is your primary purpose in prayer?

Read Revelation 21-22. How does God resolve all that is wrong in the world?

Read Psalm 13:5-6. What happens to David to move from a place of lament, to a place of faith? 

Do a word search on God’s “unfailing love.” List five of the passages that most resonate with you. In your own words, define God’s unfailing love toward you. 

Read Psalm 33:20-22. How does this verse encourage you today? 

How does Psalm 13 call for you to invite deeper streams of community into your life? 

Give God praise for His faithfulness in the midst of seasons of hope and in seasons of lament.