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February 6, 2022: When A Dream Dies, and it Gets Darker – Genesis 41.1-46

Read Genesis 41. What does this story say about the nature of God? What does it say about the character of God? What does it say about the love of God? 

As you read the text, where do you find yourself today? With what verse, scene or section do you most resonate? What is confusing and what questions arise as you read the text? 

Joseph’s life is marked by dreams, both his own dreams and his giftedness to interpret dreams. Does God still speak through dreams? Does He still gift people to interpret dreams? What is your understanding and experience of God speaking through dreams? How does God speak most personally to you? When have you engaged in others in understanding the implications of what God is saying? 

Through years of captivity, Joseph is learning how to live without the Robe, without being the favored son, without being known. He learns to trust God in the silence. Describe a time when you learned to trust in silence? How did that season change you, what spiritual qualities emerged or were deepened in this season? 

What spiritual qualities does Pharaoh recognize in Joseph? How do those qualities stir Pharaoh to trust Joseph? 

Joseph consistently points to God as the One who is all-powerful. Notice the following, “God has revealed to Pharaoh what he is about to do . . . God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do . . . The matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon” (Gen. 41:25, 28, 32). From where does Joseph’s understanding of God derive? 

Consider your last week. How has God revealed Himself to you anew, afresh? What is God’s heart for you in understanding this revelation? 

In this text, Joseph is moved from prison to becoming one of the most powerful men in the world. What kind of pressure or weight would that bring to Joseph? How does responding to God give greater and greater authority and responsibility to Joseph? Similarly, how is God inviting you into deeper places of knowing Him, and then making Him known? Where is God taking you on your journey with Him? Where might He be calling you, yet you are uncertain of being willing to go? 

Reread Genesis 41.44-45, 50-51 and answer the following questions: Joseph says, “It is because God has made me fruitful in the land of my suffering.” What is the interconnection between suffering and blessing? How are you sensing, seeing, believing God’s fruitfulness in your own land of suffering?  Joseph marries and has children. What is the significance of the names Joseph gives to his children, Manasseh and Ephraim? What story do the names of his sons tell? 

Read Philippians 3.13-14 NLT. How are Paul’s words similar to Joseph’s story? How do you see this text as an affirmation of the call to move forward in your own life? In what beliefs about God, yourself, and others, do you need to let go and forget? What chapters of your story need to close? What chapters need to be unearthed, revisited, and explored afresh? 

The message on Sunday ended with noticing that Joseph chooses not to reconnect with his family. What do you make of that portion of Joseph’s story? How does this part of Joseph’s story connect with yours?

How is God using your family and our Faith Family as a means to declare His goodness and grace to your neighbors, neighborhood and the nations?