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One Faithful Yes (John 20:19-22)

By February 17, 2019February 19th, 2019Hard Sayings of Jesus

1. Read John 20:19-22. Do you feel like this call is for the disciples or missionaries, or for you as well? Why or why not?
2. When you think of living a sent life, what thoughts or emotions does it invoke?
3. What fears do you have in living a sent life where you live, work, play or even to the ends of the earth?
4. What do you think about when you read Sanctuary’s purpose statement talking about “faithfully proclaiming the gospel”?
5. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 incarnationally. How does it resonate with you?
6. Read Isaiah 6:1-10. Are you more likely to respond to God out of your identity in Him, or your fears or self-worth, or something else?
7. Who is someone that comes to mind who has said “Yes!” to God, and there faithful yes led to countless other faithful yeses?
8. Where or to whom might God be calling you to respond with a faithful yes today?
9. How might God be inviting you to engage with one of Sanctuary’s Partners or short term mission trip teams?